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Points System

After upgrading to the new version of the system that runs this site, I had a problem with the Points module preventing the viewing of profiles. It would throw a database Query Error when you clicked on a profile.  I had to remove the module and then re-install it with a new version and that caused the reset of the points module. So, lets pretend that the contest was over and we have just started a new points contest.

EligeGuardianPresa and Polishtatra are the winners of the old contest and they will be contacted privately to determine shipping addresses for their prizes.

One is a custom made leather leash and the other is a custom made leather collar - all made by my neighbor and friend Brent Tubre.

So - this is a new era with a new system and a new points competition. So lets see those post, blogs, photos, forum posts, etc.. and start earning those points.

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