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Top 10 Guard dogs

Someone posted this on Youtube as their picks for the top 10 best guard dogs in the world.  I agree with most of the selections though I would have liked to see the Central Asian Ovcharka there also.  What do you think?

Comments (18)
    • Filas, giant schnauzers ????????????????????

    • Okay, Bullmastiff, Cane Corso yeah, maybe, German Shepherd and Rottweiler will ALWAYS be included no matter HOW good or bad they are as a whole BUT the Doberman has fallen off CONSIDERABLY probably shouldn't even be included in this list anymore. American Pitbull, I believe EVERYONE on the site probably feels is laughable and I'm not so sure about the American Akita OR the Tibetan Mastiff. Some dogs that I feel are TRULY missing are, CAO, Boerboel, Presa Canario and my beloved American Bulldog! Also agree with other posters regarding the Fila, Giant Schnauzer, Bouvier, Komondor and ALL of the Ovcharkas.

      • I would agree with the Tibetan Mastiff that is about it. I think it would be neat if a group of people got together and put our 10 breeds together. I'm seeing a lot of the breeds breaking off from traditional uses for breeding. meaning some are big pushovers and so on. we need to look at what the dog was bred for judge it on that then how you think it has changed if any today and let that be the base of your list :)

        I love showing our dogs don't get me wrong but I fell over socialization can ruin a breed or a show dog. You may have yes in the judges eye the "perfect dog" in the ring. Now will that dog still perform its job? The Fila is a great example You can't touch it period. I like in breeds. Don't get me I like to have a dog I can take with me. That comes down to trust and knowing your dog and what you have.

        I look at these American Rotts and laugh even Dobermans. They are so small. I am used to seeing Huge Dobermans and Rotts. Just my thoughts. :)

      • Good idea.. so maybe we should list our breeds here and I will tabulate them. Assuming that the dogs are bred true to type.

        Here goes mine.

        1. Caucasian Ovcharka

        2. Central Asian Ovcharka

        3. Moscow Watchdog

        4. Sarplaninac

        5. Komandor

        6. Maremano

        7. Tibetan Mastiff

        8. Kangal

        9. German Shepherd

        10. Bull mastiff

        • Hi Garry,

          you need to update your list Ha, ha

          you missed Boerboel and fila brazileiro though you include German Shepherd??????

          When you refer to GSD you refer in general or to working lines? (personally when I see working remains me that a breed is already destroyed, thats why they separate some specimen under the terminology working), or to tranned k9 etc?

          Because the average specimen I see it anywhere around the world with its belly exposed for scratching!!!!!! ha ha

          Use to be my favorite breed once upon a time, what a pitty indeed!!!

          • 1 and 2 are right. In my opinion.
            • You are quite right - Keep in mind that is not "my" list. It came from youtube I think. I shall put together my own list shortly.
            • We should discuss this soon and make a professional top 10 list of the best guard dogs that would actually be right.
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