• "therein lies the point " No, it isn't ......my point was Form & Funtiuon are not separate goals & concepts in a complete dog. Further claiming either show or working is better based on 1/2 of that goal is nonscence. To the OP, my apologies for adding in the Hi-Jack of this thread witch is not about Bulldogs. KBcouch if you's like to talk about the thread topic please continue. There's already a thread about your breed of choice on the general forum if that is your main focus here. Since you are new here, I'll offer this advice that may help you enjoy the site more. Go with the topic of the thread everything said on this form is not about bulldogs, pitts or COs there is a lot of general topics here also. Not every comment is personal however those that like to fan the fire do get burned from time to time. Take that for what it's worth. And Welcome to MD :D