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General Appearance The Bangkaew is a square built, well proportion dog with wide and deep chest. He has double coat with ruff around neck and shoulders and a pluming tail.

Temperament He is alert, intelligent , loyal, watchful and obedient. He has an inherent desire to protect home and family and can be trained to work.

Size , Proportion , Substance Height measured at the withers : dogs , 19-21 inches (48-53 centimeters).

Bitches, 17-19 inches (43-53 centimeters) with the range of ± 0.5 inches (1-2 centimeters)

Weight : dogs approximately 19-21 kilograms, bitches approximately 16-18 kilograms.

Proportion The body in profile is of square proportion in that horizontal line from the front of the forechest to the rear projection of the upper thigh should equal the length of a vertical line dropped from the top of the withers to the ground. Substance - well balanced musculature. Male larger bone than their female counterparts.

Head Head should be quite massive. Broad and in proportion to the body. Eyes - small , almond shaped. Color of eyes is black or dark brown. Ears - small , triangular, in proportion to head , stand erect and point forward. Muzzle - of medium length , broad at base and tapering toward tip. Nose - black and in proportion to muzzle. Bite and Dentition - teeth small , sharp , strong and in full dentition. The incisors of the lower jaw touch very lightly with the inner surface of the upper incisors (scissors bite).

A level bite is acceptable. Neck, Topline, Body Neck - strong , muscular , in proportion to head , blending smoothly into shoulders , proudly carried with head erect. Topline - viewed from profile is straight and level. Body - Chest wide , deep, well let down between forelegs and extending to the elbows. Ribs - well sprung. Loin - not tucked up. Forequarters Shoulders - moderately laid back and well muscled. Forelegs - straight and strong , parallel when viewed from front. Pasterns and short and slope very slightly. Feet - rounded and catlike. Hindquarters Strongly muscled with angulation in balance with that of the forequarters. Hind legs - lighter than forelegs, well angulated at the stifle and well let down hocks. Viewed from behind, the hind legs should be straight and parallel. Viewed from the side. The legs below the hocks should be prependicular to the ground. Tail - moderately long , well feathered, thick towards the base , well set on and carried with moderate upward curve towards back. Coat The coat is double and medium in length. The undercoat is soft and dense. The outer coat is coarse and straight. Guard coat is long and forming a ruff around the neck and shoulders. Back of forelegs are covered with feathers diminishing to the pasterns. Hind legs are covered with long hair to the hocks. Tail covered with a long plume. Toes are well fringed. Color Parti-color or white with patches of red, tan, gray, or black. Size , shape and placement of patches of color are without importance. Faults Light eyes or nose Tail carried over back and fall to either side Lack of ruff Lack of feathers on back of forelegs Large ears Muzzle is too wide Large round eyes Roach back Swayback Oversize , undersize Disqualifications Short or smooth coat Bobtail Drop ears Overshot or undershot Missing more than 3 teeth Curled tail or Kink tail Lack of tail plume Monorchid or Cryptorchid Viciousness