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LAKOTA MASTINO GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Lakota Mastino is a large sized dog, with a very muscular yet agile body built for workingdog sports. TEMPERAMENT: The Lakota Mastino shows strong prey and defense drives and has a temperament perfect for the tasks of workingdog training and is highly intelligent. Their temperament is marked by patience, composure, boldness, and courage. Energetic - the drive to be active. Watchful - on the lookout, observant or attentive to its surroundings. A Lakota Mastino should be conscious of what is going on around him. It may be the flick of an ear or a quick glance but few things go unnoticed. Determined - being resolved in a decision and maintaining an intense, steady focus on the task at hand. Alert - aware of the surroundings and ready to respond. Fearless - To confront the unknown with a confident stable attitude. To be free of fear. Loyal - faithful allegiance to its master. The desire to give 100% without question and remain steadfast in defense and support of its masters needs. In the ring obedience is a positive attitude toward the handler and a desire to please. Stability, confidence, courage, sharpness, hardness, sociability, sensitivity and combativeness are all characteristics which Lakota Mastino is known for. All puppies are temperament tested to ensure that only stable and trustworthy dogs are reproduced. SKULL: Broad, strong, muscular with extra skin. STOP: Rather abrupt. NOSE: Large and black, red, or any color. MUZZLE: Moderately long, nasal bridge straight. JAWS: Powerful upper and lower jaw strength. TEETH: Super strong with scissors bite. EYES: Intense when alert, any color, with dignifed expression. EARS: Naturally small, rather thin, set high on skull or workingdog crop. NECK: Thick, muscular, with a dewlap. BODY: Muscular, long and low for long distance running. WITHERS: High. BACK: Level and straight. TAIL: Set on high, thick the root , reaching hocks, and tapering at end. Can be cut or uncut, depending on breeder. FOREQUARTERS: The sholders are moderately sloping. The forearms big-boned, moderately long and strong. HINDQUARTERS: Powerful and capable. COAT: Short hair, hard, and dense. Any color is accepted, with BLACK, BLUE and BRINDLE being preferred, with a dash of white... GAIT: Double tracking and powerful, able to pace for long distance. WEIGHT: 100- 130 lbs. (45-60 kg.) HEIGHT: 25-28 in. (63-70 cm.) LIFE EXPECTANCY: About 10 - 14 years FAULTS FOR DISQUALIFICATION: ~ MONORCHID OR CRYPTORCHID ~ SHYNESS OR TOO AGRESSIVE ~ OVER OR UNDERSHOT BITE ~ THIN BONED ~ HIP PROBLEMS
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