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2.5 year old dogo

She kind of favors the old school fighting bull terriers. Nice pics Joe.
Replies (29)
    • These are the latest of my girl Zoey Thanks for looking.
      • very beautiful girl :D
        • She kind of favors the old school fighting bull terriers. Nice pics Joe.
          • Thanks Akron! Angel, yeah she kind of does. That is what I was talking about with her head, that stop comes from Yogi.
            • I don't care what anyone says Joe and I have the Best dogos in the world!..lol
              • Here, here my man!
                • Going to Texas for the big hunt?
                  • If you put these photos in the gallery on here she may be on the front page soon.
                    • Thanks gsicard, will do. Angel, I didn't get an invite to the big hunt. They must know my real personality LOL. No just kidding man, I'd give my left one to go, but being a construction worker in this market has made me come down with a case of funds-low syndrome.
                      • My funds are low is contagious. I am walking in faith that I will be there. I will be selling my 17" pony rims to help my travel funds.
                        • I bet it is going to be worth it!
                          • Nice bitch, very elegant... to bad for her lack of stop. Hopefully you can make it to the specialty, it is really a great experience and you meet a lot of dogo enthousiast! Mellissa
                            • Thanks Mellissa, a like her temperament too. Even with what she's got she got a reserve BIS at her very first UKC show and a BIS at her second. So I am not too appalled by her head. It would be nice to go to the specialty but it's a little far for me.
                              • Now that I think about it, if every one at the nationals first and only words to me were "nice bitch, too bad about her stop" I'd have to skip it even if it were on my front lawn. Maybe I'm taking that wrong but it seems like a back handed compliment. I have never seen you do that to someone on the DACA board.
                                • Rotf!!!!! HAHAHAHAHa...I thought the same when I read that! Sounded like she (Zoey) was ghastly....hhahahaha
                                  • Glad I'm not the only one. That's good stuff Loyd!
                                    • Wow didn't think you would take offense to that! lol Especially since you and Angel were talking about her "stop" already. I was simply agreeing with your previous statements. Mellissa
                                      • Angel has a brother to my dog, so maybe I just feel more comfortable with his statements. I personally don't know you or have a problem with you but I'll just show you so you'll know. Say you and an old friend meet on the street. This friend has a baby with big ears. You both know it has big ears but love the baby anyway. Maybe you say to your friend " I love his little elf ears" and then someone comes walking by and says "nice baby, too bad about ears". Get it?
                                        • Well then, next time maybe you should put a disclaimer stating that you do not want to have any comments by people who do not know you or own littermates to your dog. I'm sorry I thought this was a public message board and somewhere were people could openly discuss about there dogs and strong and weak points. I did state "Nice bitch, very elegant" at first, if you want to dwell on the negative aspects of your bitch that is your own issue. I was simply agreeing with what you were speaking about. Do you get upset at judges when they critique your dog? Kind of the same thing as a message board... you expose your dog, looking for opinion and critiques to better your knowledge on the breed... Mellissa
                                          • Maybe I did take that too personal. However, your statement had the tone of dismissing my dog as a quality specimen. Wow, are you comparing your critique to that of a judge? Thanks for saying she's nice and elegant. Please show me where I asked for critique, or better yet show me 1 single post where you have ever in your thousands of posting on the DACA, gave another owner a negative critique.
                                            • I did not say anything that was not already said. I agreed on a previous statement which I have done PLENTY of times before. No I will not usually go and say "oh nice dog but this and this isn't good, etc" But if a subject is breing brought up and I do agree with what is being said I will state my opinion. When it comes to the opinion of judges, unless you are a specialist, I will consider my opinion to be worth just as much if not more then certain all-round judges. I am sure you know as well as I do that most judges do not know this breed at all! Mellissa
                                              • True, some judges don't know much about the breed. It just seemed back handed. If it wasn't meant that way then no damage done, and I hope you can see where I was coming from.
                                                • No it wasn't meant to be a "smart ass" comment. Just simply agreeing with you. Like I said, she is a nice bitch non the less, very elegant. Mellissa
                                                  • Thanks, I was just showing my wife how nice your female was.
                                                    • Thank you! :D
                                                      • She looks great!
                                                        • Thanks HalfSAM!
                                                          • Do you have any pics of the Dex posey pup Joe?
                                                            • Sorry man, this is all I got. He lives about 4 hours away.
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