2 questions
Sorry to be preachy to you here .. but you should never let your dog dictate what you do or how you take walks. Take them together on a walk. If you have someone who can walk the female ahead of you where he can see her that would be fine. If he tries to pull you proven correction methods to stop him. When he stops pulling and misbehaving.. you can have the walker with the female stop and reward the male with some closeness. Keep doing this until learns. You will have to correct unwanted behavior.
Regarding the Presa Canario - The Presa is not like a terrier that likes to chase little furry things. They were bred to grip cattle or other domestic animals and subdue them. Don't expect your dog to naturally want to do something that is not in its genes. With enough training you can have your Presa chasing things but be careful what you wish for. At 6 months old you should just enjoy the dog and train her for what you desire. Please see stage 7 in this article about the stages of puppy development.
- · Winston318
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I'm new to larger breed dogs, less than 2 years. From reading different articles I'm thinking that my male is an American Corso 20 months old and I have a 6 month old female Presa Canario.
#1. My male has become very protective of my female. He won't let any other dogs around her or any people outside of our family. He goes into attack mode. If she isn't around or if I walk them separately he is fine. I'm wondering if I might possibly need to get rid of the female to get my male back to normal, or just continue to walk them separately. I feel that we aren't a pack if we can't walk together.
#2. My female is showing absolutely no prey drive. She won't chase a squirrel, a bird, or anything else. Her only interest is people and other dogs. I'm I expecting to much from her or do the larger breeds take longer to get there. This is the first dog that I've ever owned that has never wanted to chase things. Everyone is telling me it's her age but I feel that a dog either has drive or they don't.
- · Gary Admin
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Sorry to be preachy to you here .. but you should never let your dog dictate what you do or how you take walks. Take them together on a walk. If you have someone who can walk the female ahead of you where he can see her that would be fine. If he tries to pull you proven correction methods to stop him. When he stops pulling and misbehaving.. you can have the walker with the female stop and reward the male with some closeness. Keep doing this until learns. You will have to correct unwanted behavior.
Regarding the Presa Canario - The Presa is not like a terrier that likes to chase little furry things. They were bred to grip cattle or other domestic animals and subdue them. Don't expect your dog to naturally want to do something that is not in its genes. With enough training you can have your Presa chasing things but be careful what you wish for. At 6 months old you should just enjoy the dog and train her for what you desire. Please see stage 7 in this article about the stages of puppy development.
- · Winston318
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Thanks for the advice Gary. I went out looking for some help and was referred to a trainer that's also a behaviorist.
He told me that he's seen that protective nature with people but never with another dog. He really didn't have a viable strategy besides introducing people and dogs separately. He's supposed to be doing some research for me. He also said that the only time he's seen a male act like that is when a female is in heat, but it's not normally towards people. It's mainly towards other dogs.
I had my son help me do what you suggested about the walk. I can control him on the walk and have been able to do corrections. I'm guessing that this is going to be a lengthy endeavor.