2005 Cane Corso Calendar
That's great, but is it only with American Canes or with CC from all over the world?
- · maximus
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Amazon.com has the 2005 Cane Corso Calendar. Preorder your copy today. [url=http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=0763172405][/url] Click the picture.
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That's great, but is it only with American Canes or with CC from all over the world? -
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its only american cane corso, in that calender, I think.. do you know, that you can make your own, at the local photostore? its cheap and easy to do. All you have to do is, giving the shop the pictures you want to be in it. :) . -
- · Charlotte
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SwedenCC, As Susen said it is very easy to go down in your local photoshop, give them a CD with your favorite pics and order a caldender. I am not aware of the prices in Sweden, but here in Denmark, I guess it is a little more expencive to order your own. However I think making your own is much better idea even if it is more expencive - In the long run you'll think the money is paid better because you get more happy to see your own dog.. :D -
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theres a shop on amager in copenhagen, who makes the calendar for about 350 dansih kr. let me know, if you want the contact info sweedish cc.. are you comming to the show in malmø, next saturday? Im joining with 2 cc females Susen -
- · Charlotte
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Thank you Susen - I will let you know. I have had in mind for some time to order a calender with my dogs, but haven't got further than that.. :lol: 350,- DKR is more expencive than if you go to a pet shop, but again, I think the money is paid better. Thanks for reminding me about the show on sunday in your comment to SwedenCC.. Hehe.. I have actually thought about if I should come check it out with a few other people out or stay at home. It will only take me a few hours by train.. :D -
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its saturday not sunday.. the show is in malmø stadion, wich is very cloose to the trainstation. I know that a lot of danish dogs will be there this is the program for saturday and the a mount of dogs compeding - Ring 28 Börjar kl. 09:00 Judge -Habig Christofer, Tyskland + se ring 27 & 30 DOGUE DE BORDEAUX 15 DOGO ARGENTINO 10 PYRENEISK MASTIFF 2 TIBETANSK MASTIFF 8 MASTIFF 9 BULLMASTIFF 33 MASTINO NAPOLETANO 2 TOSA 2 81 Cane corso findes i ring 30 Susen