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25 Least Popular Dog Breeds

Saw this posted on a news site that I frequently read. It is kinda silly but I do agree with the breed selections.  I guess the AKC assumes that everyone lives in apartments.

check it out http://dogs.petbreeds.com/stories/5009/least-popular-dog-breeds and then share your thoughts.

Replies (4)
    • Saw this posted on a news site that I frequently read. It is kinda silly but I do agree with the breed selections.  I guess the AKC assumes that everyone lives in apartments.

      check it out http://dogs.petbreeds.com/stories/5009/least-popular-dog-breeds and then share your thoughts.

      • And while you are at it.. check this out for the "29 best guard dogs" remember these are per the AKC so consider the source.


        • LOL, I did notice that just about every entry mentions "not suitable for apartment living".  Most of the breeds mentioned are not breeds that the "average person" has or may even know about.  Although I agree with some of the assessments, I have other reasons than the ones listed though.  All they seem to talk about is grooming & exercise levels with an occasional "hard to train" comment which is vague within itself. ;-)


          • You are correct. I find these types of articles to be mostly silly and not suitable for real dog person.  I posted it as a means of generating some discussion but even that failed.. lol.. yeah it is silly.

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