64,000 Molosser Photos?
So where can you find over 64,000 photos of the Molossers? Many of our long standing members are aware that MD had a very extensive gallery of Molossers and Rare breeds. Those photos are still available for your viewing and commenting pleasures. These are the stats as of this writing.
64,094 files in 1,167 albums and 6 categories with 110,535 comments viewed 6,131,384 times
Please visit http://molosserdogs.com/gallery
If you had an account on the site it should still work or you can use the forgot password feature. It is also open for registration and photo uploading.
- · gsicard
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So where can you find over 64,000 photos of the Molossers? Many of our long standing members are aware that MD had a very extensive gallery of Molossers and Rare breeds. Those photos are still available for your viewing and commenting pleasures. These are the stats as of this writing.
64,094 files in 1,167 albums and 6 categories with 110,535 comments viewed 6,131,384 times
Please visit http://molosserdogs.com/gallery
If you had an account on the site it should still work or you can use the forgot password feature. It is also open for registration and photo uploading.
- · Gary_Sicard
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You can use the search function to find photos. You may also login or register to post photos or comment on existing photos.