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8 mths old stud (ADVICE NEEDED)

Why use an 8 month old puppy to sire a litter?? Was it an accidental tie?? I can not see 1 reason worth while to breed a dog at this young of an age unless it is money driven, and impatience to put in the full 3 yrs of training and raising and testing health/athleticism/mental stability, and just to produce puppies. Unless he and the female you plan on mating him to are the LAST 2 example of their breed living and breathing, and the chance of losing them would mean extinction, i vote against it. In what ways has he proved himself worthy of passing on his genes?? For gods sake he isn't even lifting his leg yet. Let him be a baby, then let him grow up and prove worthy before breeding him. just my $.02 Mike
Replies (12)
    • does anyone have any opinion if an eight and a half mths old dog(male) can produce puppies. he is willing to mate naturally, but he does not lift the hide leg while peeing. i am guessing due to lack of testosterone. if it is the case he will not be fertile yet. just hoping for the best. :?
      • Why use an 8 month old puppy to sire a litter?? Was it an accidental tie?? I can not see 1 reason worth while to breed a dog at this young of an age unless it is money driven, and impatience to put in the full 3 yrs of training and raising and testing health/athleticism/mental stability, and just to produce puppies. Unless he and the female you plan on mating him to are the LAST 2 example of their breed living and breathing, and the chance of losing them would mean extinction, i vote against it. In what ways has he proved himself worthy of passing on his genes?? For gods sake he isn't even lifting his leg yet. Let him be a baby, then let him grow up and prove worthy before breeding him. just my $.02 Mike
        • IMO an 8 month old puppy shouldn't be considered a Stud or even a Stud Prospect at best. I honestly would even be wary of a dog twice that age being a stud. That being said, depending on his development, it is possible for him to reproduce. Lifting his leg has absolutely nothing to do with it. There are some dogs who go through life NEVER lifting their leg and they can breed just fine. Also, just because he might not have started to get major amounts of testosterone doesn't mean his reproductive organs and functions won't work properly. Keep in mind that while he might be able to do it, many dogs are not fully mature until they are 3 years old (or more) and there is a LOT that can change both mentally and physically in that time frame. I agree also that a dog and bitch both need to prove themselves before being allowed/permitted to pass their genes on.
          • Most kennel clubs will not even register pups from a sire that young.
            • we do not have any kennel club and for the above post....let us put this topic to rest. a mistake on my part for posting. i live in the middle of the indian ocean and we have no where else to go. thanks for the insult. JUST TRYINING. NO MORE RELIES PLEASE :cry: by the way, there is nothing being done for dogs in the indian ocean. I HAVE BEEN TRYING ALL ALONG AND I WILL KEEP TRYING WITHOUT YOUR FUCKING INSULT :evil: HE KNOWS WHO I AM TALKING TO :) the suppose selfmade expert. $0.2 cent input
              • [quote=troy]we do not have any kennel club and for the above post....let us put this topic to rest. a mistake on my part for posting. i live in the middle of the indian ocean and we have no where else to go. thanks for the insult. JUST TRYINING. NO MORE RELIES PLEASE :cry: by the way, there is nothing being done for dogs in the indian ocean. I HAVE BEEN TRYING ALL ALONG AND I WILL KEEP TRYING WITHOUT YOUR ** don't you wish ** INSULT :evil: HE KNOWS WHO I AM TALKING TO :) the suppose selfmade expert. $0.2 cent input[/quote] Slow down man....YOU asked for people opinions and you got it!!! If you love this animal(s) then what was said shouldn't upset you, research your breed or even dogs in general for the matter. These sites are for the love of dog NOT dollar.....your barking up the wrong tree here if your looking for info. on breeding babies!
                • Major hiccups!! Hahaha! Troy- Sorry man, but for you to get your panties in a bunch over that, well let's just say you have issues. Doesn't matter WHERE you are, breeding an 8 month old dog is just unethical. You have had no time to see what the dog will develop in to. You have had no time for proper health testing. Haven't even had time to see if the dog is just plain up to par. If it isn't the money- then WHY?
                  • WHY? we have only two amstaff in the country and the government is not allowing any more in. is that good enough for you in securing a breed. hope you get the message
                    • Well you only have to wait until the male is 12 months and the female 18 months then no one would be on your back. It seems you will have the monopoly on the breed even if you wait, so no hurry then is there? And if they are not registered dogs then why bother coming on here in the first place to ask a question which would obviously upset most because if registered with an association there is a code of ethics which would tell you allowed age of breeding depending on type of dog etc., So where exactly are you in the Indian ocean? Small islands normally go with the rules of the country governing them?
                      • [quote=troy] is that good enough for you in securing a breed. [/quote] If there are no more being allowed in then I think you do not have to worry about anyone else taking the market. Also, what, aside from money, would be the point in breeding an 8 month old puppy? It seems quite pointless to try and "secure" a breed with a sire that hasn't proven himself and the only way you will know if he's totally healthy is to wait until he's older.
                        • Secure a breed with WHAT exactly?? You don't even know at 8 months old if the dog is a healthy functional animal. So say you do a breeding. Then this male drops dead at 2 yrs old. What exactly did you secure? Say his hips are bad- again- what did you secure?
                          • gday troy ,,i think he will do the job mate :wink: years ago my pitbul of 6mths amazingly knotted with a pittbul bitch and she had 8 healthy pups :lol: wasnt planned but he did it :lol:
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