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A few of teddy's pics

[quote1317173956=bright] [/quote1317173956] i like the weimaraner´s colour in indias sun. the grey-blue (i also like grey-blue) turns a bit into a "warm" colour.
Replies (25)
    • Gazing at something interesting.. ;) as a juvenile.. Assuming the role of a Bodyguard.. ........................... so hard to get him to pose!! so independent!! look at his independent spirit back then when he was 25 days old in a pic below!! while his sister is affectionately looking at her master, teddy is looking away as if he is too tough for all these.. lol Finally got him to turn this side, but look at his eyes.. lol ................ meeting his friend, a stray dog.. :D teddy @ 1 year!! teddy @ 2 yrs..
      • He is a Very handsome dog! Can't wait to see him around four... !heart
        • Thank U for posting all these pics. A nice looking dog and his name Teddy fits to him perfectly. :)
          • thank you so much friends!!
            • when Teddy was 1 yr old, he was attacked by a weimaraner who wasn't contained.. my brother took a few pics of that encounter by his bad mobile phone as he didn't feel the need to intervene.. this is the pic of that weimaraner,(I took this pic on a different day as this dog will be let lose most of the time) the weimaraner came running ferociously at teddy as if he'd engage in a fight!! Teddy was ready to take on the challenge!! The weimaraner approached teddy very angrily as teddy also gave a deep growl and was eager to attack, but I pulled teddy backwards.. The weim came too close but teddy was also extremely angry, and was vibrating with fury!! I mean even the leash was literally vibrating by his growl!! I pulled teddy further backwards while he was struggling to find a way to get that weim!! I mean teddy was eager to get him in a fight.. having been deterred by teddy's deep growl and dauntless will to really engage him in a battle, he backed away, while teddy was really steaming with fury!! The weim took a turn, and ran inside his house and went behind his car.. (you can see his leash in the pic) teddy triumphantly stood his ground and saw the weim escaping.. and he was calm in a few second and continued with walking.. ;)
              • Nice dog, thanks för sharing.
                • Hes very cool Bright. Thank you
                  • Time has passed my fiend, and Teddy has become a nice 2 years old TM. Congrats and thanks for sharing the pics and the story. hugo
                    • hi arun, good to see you back here. i have seen the pics before, anyway nice to see them again. teddy is a nice looking himalayan mastiff.
                      • He's a nice looking dog, what is his size? I have had that happen to me a few times, dogs coming out to challenge my boy. They weren't so smart as that Weim though, to turn back. :( Wish people wouldn't leave their dogs at large...
                        • [quote1317173956=bright] [/quote1317173956] i like the weimaraner´s colour in indias sun. the grey-blue (i also like grey-blue) turns a bit into a "warm" colour.
                          • thank you guys!! ;) @Hugo, ya.. I feel like bringing him home from the airport yesterday.. lol, thank you.. @Tosamama, thank you, I haven't measured him and I dunno his weight too.. but I think he stands about 27".. @Andreas, that weim is golden in color.. its more like copper in color.. I had a weim puppy of silver grey!! he was awesome!! great to be with..
                            • thank you for the info arun. i thought it was (silver/grey/blue) lol this type of colour has different names and you can find it in German Mastiffs too. so i thought this weimaraner had this colour too, as only in the pic where he is standing in the sun, the colour is a bit more "golden". depending on the light the colour can appear differently. German Mastiff with basically the same colour:
                              • WOW!!! I wonder where I can get such GMs man!! I'll import a dane like that one day.. ;)
                                • in europe you can get them. german lines, italian lines and french lines have very atheletic and muscular German Mastiffs, with quite big heads and by the way good hind-legs! p.s. i also like the "Grautiger" a lot. (merle colour) but never breed merle to merle!
                                  • [u]Teddy @ 3 years old!!![/u]
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                                      • by Hovawart you mean this dog?? ?? interesting observation there.. ;) besides, how is your cat??
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                                          • [quote1326465080=sunnyAK] [quote1326461421=bright] by Hovawart you mean this dog?? ?? interesting observation there.. ;) besides, how is your cat?? [/quote1326461421] thank you for asking, he is fine and once again right now on my lap. (it makes it hard to type.) no, i mean something like this dog: but many , are way bigger and have bigger heads. [/quote1326465080] it is apparent that the similarity in color misleads most of the laymen with no exposure to molosser breeds in this regard.. but a few people who have seen enough pics of dogs of various breeds also get mislead. you may also see.. the golden hovawarts look like golden retrievers.. for example, look at these dogs.. they are hovawarts, not golden retrievers.. a person with some exposure to molossers can differentiate very easily.. :) by the way, there r no hovawarts in India.. how is the status of that breed in germany? are they popular dogs?? I read that they were recreated.. could the german breeders have used gordon setters and golden retrievers to recreate the 'once upon a time' yard keeper??
                                            • He's maturing nicely Bright!!! Teddy looks very athletic, how is his endurance over all? Did you fix him or leave him intact?
                                              • thank you!! I presume his endurance is good, I'll take him out on 2 half an hour walks a day, but rarely do I take him out to an open field for him to play.. but when he is taken, he'll be over enthusiastic n play tirelessly.. I haven't tested his endurance for the sake of testing it so far.. castrating other animals is against my ideology and personal belief.. even though I get a dog which I think shouldn't be bred, I'll just not breed him.. but I avoid neutering to the extent possible..
                                                • [quote1326514222=bright] Gazing at something interesting.. ;) as a juvenile.. Assuming the role of a Bodyguard.. ........................... so hard to get him to pose!! so independent!! look at his independent spirit back then when he was 25 days old in a pic below!! while his sister is affectionately looking at her master, teddy is looking away as if he is too tough for all these.. lol Finally got him to turn this side, but look at his eyes.. lol ................ meeting his friend, a stray dog.. :D teddy @ 1 year!! teddy @ 2 yrs.. [/quote1326514222] nice pics....what country are u from
                                                  • thank you, I am from India.. :)
                                                    • cool... we have international members here...pretty cool
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