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A question on the Armenian Gampr.

Just names given to a regional LGD. Nothing to worry about.
Replies (9)
    • I read where the short-haired and long-haired Armenian Gampr are one and the same dog, although there are physical differences, what are these differences?
      • Just names given to a regional LGD. Nothing to worry about.
        • I haven't seen a long haired gampr, only short and medium haired. Do you have a picture of such doog? Very curious. Thanks. :)
          • No longs here, short-medium only: http://www.gampr.net
            • these are as long as it gets apparently
              • [quote="wookiebush"]these are as long as it gets apparently [/quote] truly awesome dogs!
                • http://molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=content&tid=1024 Excerpt [blockquote]“In Armenia, the short-haired lowland type and the long-haired mountain type are considered to be the same dog, separated only by coat, even though there are other physical differences,” [/blockquote] It would seem then that the above posted dogs are representative of the “long-haired” type. TempleZion wrote: [blockquote]Just names given to a regional LGD. Nothing to worry about. [/blockquote] Fair enough, thanks. http://www.gampr.org/
                  • [quote="wookiebush"]these are as long as it gets apparently [/quote] Those dogs are beautiful! I'm always shocked how many LGD's are such "pretty" dogs despite their selection process.
                    • In the breed profile there is a photo of a dog sitting who I ABSOLUTELY love. The dog is owned by Armen Chekion does anyone know who this dog is. Sometimes I think its a Male, but then other times I say with that pretty face maybe this is just one big female. Whatever there sex is I find the dog STELLAR!! One other question in the gampr breed is it ok for them to bebear type? This dog in particular to me has bear like qualities. Thank You Scarlette
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