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About dog poisoning

This is a very, very difficult thing to train. I have had guard dog's beaten by poisoning more than once. The tactic is very effective! All the intruder has to do, is throw some tainted meat into the dogs yard and then sit back and wait. It is very difficult to train this food instinct out of a dog. The only effective way for it to be done is train your dog to only accept food from you and you alone. Which means nobody else can ever feed your dog, you can see why it is so difficult to accomplish this. As soon as you have somebody else feed your dog it's over.
Replies (11)
    • I just want to ask a question about the quality of "stranger hatred". The fila is known to have this characteristic in their temperaments, but my question is directly to the situation of burglars trying to poison a dog. If the fila doesn't like strange people, does that mean that if a stranger give poisoned food to the fila, the dog will hate the food too. I'm just curious, because I have heard a lot of stories of dog poisoning, and maybe, you as the dog owner, can correct the impulse of taking food from stranger hands of your dog, but I would like to know the opinions of some knowdgeable people on this site. Thanks in advance!!!!
      • Most dogs will take food if they find it laying around. So if the intruder dropped some food in your Fila's domain the dog will most likely eat it. Food inhibition must be trained and reinforced even for the Fila. If an intruder tried to hand feed it to the dog that is a different story.
        • This is a very, very difficult thing to train. I have had guard dog's beaten by poisoning more than once. The tactic is very effective! All the intruder has to do, is throw some tainted meat into the dogs yard and then sit back and wait. It is very difficult to train this food instinct out of a dog. The only effective way for it to be done is train your dog to only accept food from you and you alone. Which means nobody else can ever feed your dog, you can see why it is so difficult to accomplish this. As soon as you have somebody else feed your dog it's over.
          • If Inar sees that a stranger trow it there he doesnt eat it .(no fila but a co) he doesnt eat anything when he is triggered ofcourse when a stranger throw it there before he is noticed or my dog is inside than comes out he will eat it.
            • i have had some success with the electric collar. but you have to keep the dog in a kennel when you are not around until it is fully train. what i do is i sit inside my house, let the dog loose and i spy on him. i then get a friend to throw food over the fence. the minute the dog touches the food he gets the electric shock. in time he will learn to associate the food with a shock and he will not touch anything lying aroud in the yard :wink:
              • You could also release a muzzled tiger wearing boxing gloves on all four paws and have it scare the crap out of your dog every time it tries to sniff food laying on the ground. :wink: But seriously, while it'd be wonderful to have dogs who can elevate themselves above their natural instincts (or even better, dogs that are immune to poison!), it is very difficult to train for food [u]avoidance[/u]. Food refusal is one thing and it can surely be achieved with good training, but a ridiculously large number of great guard dogs, many of which [u]have[/u] been thought not to accept food from strangers, have been lost to the simple act of tossing a chunk of poisoned meat into their yards.
                • When talking about home or personal defence there are some uncontrolable factors that just DO NOT warrent concern. It's a realistic expectation to be able to deter normal threats, with planning & training.
                  • wolf, i respect you a lot through your always nononesense post, but get me right. natural instinct is one thing and conditioning is two totally different matter. :lol: answer me that, why do dogs eat :?: reply please
                    • Uh...cuz it tastes good! :lol: :lol: And if they don't they will die !!! The #1 instinct in all creatures ... survival
                      • Then again maybe they do it just to mess with us, so we will have something to talk about...my dog can't figure out yet how to type...he's all paws :lol:
                        • Troy the electric collar can be effective , and can teach a dog a dog not to eat food lying around. But he must be used to the collar before and you shouldn't just use it when training in food refusal, so that he won't only associate it with the collar and therefore only refuse food when it is on. Another good technique is using an electric shocker through the meat but you have to be VERY CAREFUL!! And consult a professional to tell you what is safe and what voltage to use etc... I would also recommend reading: MANSTOPPER: TRAINING A CANINE GUARDIAN by Joel McMains There is some information there on Poisoning prevention as well as a very good personal protection book. Hope I was some help
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