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African Bongo Dog

That was fascinating! Isn't the Bongo beautiful! Very interesting read :wink:
Replies (5)
    • For years the pygmy tribes in central africa have used medium sized dogs to aid them in hunting the Dangerous Bongo. "The Orange Ghost" A massive Orange Red, and White stripped, uniquely horned Antelope (Actually the largest forest antelope in Africa), Prized by many Hunters the world over. The dogs are held on lead until fresh Bongo tracks are found. Upon finding the tracks, the dogs are released and will then bay the Bongo, until the hunters arive to determine if it is a Bull or Cow. The Bulls are the only ones taken as a prize or for meat. These Pygmies are the only people in Africa that are free to cross borders without hassel. It is widely accepted that the entire forest is their domain regardless of man made borders. The dogs resembling a large Basenji some however with a wirey coat. These dogs will actually fight fearlessly with the Bongo and effectively hold him at bay until the hunter arrives. The nickname for a Basenji Dog is Actually Bongo Terrier, allthough these dogs are clearly not pure Basenji, being more the size of a Border Collie. I am not sure of the health and temperment of these marvelous creatures but due to the fact that they are used primarily for their ability to function in such a harsh environment as the rainforest, we can be sure they are not lacking in health or longevity. African tribal dogs as a whole tend to be very quiet and catlike in their manorisms. I am almost certain this is true for the Bongo Dogs as well. I will post more info on these dogs as I recieve it! Meanwhile here is a link to an entire Bongo hunt, some great dog pics towards the bottom. http://www.accuratereloading.com/adam1.html
      • That was fascinating! Isn't the Bongo beautiful! Very interesting read :wink:
        • I love the look of the Bongo, and Nilgi. Yet I would be awfully hard pressed to ever shoot a little Blue Duiker:D :D :D :D
          • [quote=boomslang]I love the look of the Bongo, and Nilgi. Yet I would be awfully hard pressed to ever shoot a little Blue Duiker:D :D :D :D[/quote] I wouldn't want to shoot anything, unless I had too.
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