The "real" Japanese Akita is a show dog and pet. You're better of getting the American Akita if you want an actual guard dog.
- · wolfie
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I have looked at a number of breeds on my journey to find the correct dog. The latest and probably last one I am looking at is the Akita. Many people/breedes state the usual, "This breed had natural guardian instinct" That it is a working dog with real guardian ability. Does anyone have personal experience of this breed and it's ability/traits as a guardian. -
- · unknown
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The "real" Japanese Akita is a show dog and pet. You're better of getting the American Akita if you want an actual guard dog. -
- · unknown
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[quote=wolfie]I have looked at a number of breeds on my journey to find the correct dog. The latest and probably last one I am looking at is the Akita. Many people/breedes state the usual, "This breed had natural guardian instinct" That it is a working dog with real guardian ability. Does anyone have personal experience of this breed and it's ability/traits as a guardian.[/quote] thier not much in the pp department...i had one and he failed his tt test...but that wasn't the reason he was obtained either...he did have a great built in radar for alerting...and the ability to wake up my snoring pp neo to a potential threat :lol: ...then she was the reinforcments...and seemingly the american akitas tend to not tolerate "kids play" as other true guardians...they tend to be more of a rank driven breed and highly dog aggressive... also keep in mind there wasn't any focus in selective breeding for work in developing the am akita either...even though some may have been used in various working enviroments...like other breeds histories, theres alot of romanticism thrown in there...the trainer i worked with had trained some in pp in the 70's and said they were a different duck back in the day...but be a needle in a haystack finding one that has the nerve to do real protection now... out of the working boards i follow...i think i've only seen 1 doing actual pp work... deterrent factor sure, alerting sure...but backing it up in a real sense??...nah...i think they'd rather run out the door when the intruder opened it and explore the neighborhood...i would look elsewhere... -
- · wolfie
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Thanks for the replies. Your comments support my findings. Breeders who claim this breed is the ultimate guardian. Then you see that all their dogs are selected for show qualities. They site the breed standard as proof that this breed is a great guardian. The very same breed standard that they do not foloow for temperament! Not saying all breeders but many! Ths Akita seems to be more effected that many other breeds from what i see. Perhaps the only way to get a great dog is to breed it oneself! -
- · marlo
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I dont know many akitas, matter of fact is I only known one. But I got to say - this dog may be the best natural guardian / man stopper I have ever seen. No way in hell you had a chance to get to the owners house when he was outside. He would protect his house and garden with his life, if I was the owner I would have no problems leaving my house without locking my door. And this is not just something I think because he seemed aggressive, I know of people he have stopped. And now, sadly hes been put to sleep for doing his job...