Allevamento Patrizio Italia
Past and the Future.... :idea:
- · Phil2511
- · I visited this Kennel last weekend and many of the pics are now on their site please take a look -
- · o_dosa_neo
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not diggin the bite...could be just the pic -
- · Phil2511
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its the pic John his bite was perfect He was not impressed of me in his kennel run alone and chased me out but when his owner was there he was well behaved and controlled obeying all commands -
- · gsicard
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how about this one -
- · Phil2511
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Not one of my pics :wink: This is a female bred by the late Patrizio De Vitale the best friend of Santolo Ardolino and the reason for the new name for his breeding in memory of his great friend whose dogs are all now with Santolo. The more atheltic looking mastini are those of Santolo and the heavier type are of the Late Patrizio -
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Past and the Future.... :idea: -
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[quote="gsicard"]how about this one[/quote] I like this one, very much.
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a few of the dogs appear to have cherry eye but that could also be the pictures. They love their cigarettes in Europe :lol: -
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[quote="gsicard"]how about this one[/quote] I like the first dog very much! I do not mean to start anything as I know it is a very touchy subject, but the second dog although can be cute and be a "champion" is the kind of mastini I do not like! Too overdone and to me it is a bit cruel to subject an animal to live as a prisoner of its own body because of the self interest of certain individuals!! Once again, the first mastini in the thread is a great looking specimen IMO!! ALV
- · IndyGirl
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The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated. -
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[quote="ALV-CC"][quote="gsicard"]how about this one[/quote] I like the first dog very much! I do not mean to start anything as I know it is a very touchy subject, but the second dog although can be cute and be a "champion" is the kind of mastini I do not like! Too overdone and to me it is a bit cruel to subject an animal to live as a prisoner of its own body because of the self interest of certain individuals!! Once again, the first mastini in the thread is a great looking specimen IMO!! ALV[/quote] If you do not have this type of dog in a breeding program you will loose all type. That is just the way it is. "Overdone" dogs are needed to maintain breed type, regardless of what armchair QB's on the web may say. Dried out weedy Neo's are not good for the breed in the long run. It is a fast track to mediocrity.
- · unknown
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[quote=NAK101] If you do not have this type of dog in a breeding program you will loose all type. That is just the way it is. "Overdone" dogs are needed to maintain breed type, regardless of what armchair QB's on the web may say. Dried out weedy Neo's are not good for the breed in the long run. It is a fast track to mediocrity.[/quote] That is the kind of answer a person who is interested only in looks would give!! Nak, I agree with you!! In order to have malformed and cripple dogs that win shows you need to breed these types of dogs! That is exactly why I opted to go with the Corso as opposed to the Neo of today! All looks and no fucntion!! But there are some on this forum whose neos are very impressive and look nothing like that one! I applaud those that are willing to work their neos and don't breed over typey ones!! -
- · unknown
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[quote=ALV-CC"][quote="NAK101] If you do not have this type of dog in a breeding program you will loose all type. That is just the way it is. "Overdone" dogs are needed to maintain breed type, regardless of what armchair QB's on the web may say. Dried out weedy Neo's are not good for the breed in the long run. It is a fast track to mediocrity.[/quote] That is the kind of answer a person who is interested only in looks would give!! Nak, I agree with you!! In order to have malformed and cripple dogs that win shows you need to breed these types of dogs! That is exactly why I opted to go with the Corso as opposed to the Neo of today! All looks and no fucntion!! But there are some on this forum whose neos are very impressive and look nothing like that one! I applaud those that are willing to work their neos and don't breed over typey ones!![/quote] The Italians have determined what they want for thier breed. I respect that. End of story. -
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bradly [blockquote]The Italians have determined what they want for thier breed. I respect that. End of story.[/blockquote] sorry bradly boy but an across the board generalizing statement that all italians breed mastini like that overdone "type" as pictured, that of course you not correct... -
- · unknown
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[quote="gsicard"]how about this one[/quote] 8O :? :x Why is this acceptable practices to do to dogs, make them crippled slugs.She should be taken out of the gene pool.
- · Phil2511
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[quote=crnosrce1] 8O :? :x Why is this acceptable practices to do to dogs, make them crippled slugs. her and her breeder should be taken out of the gene pool.[/quote] Perhaps you want to go read my earlier posts before making such comments -
- · unknown
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[quote="sodapop1124"]bradly [blockquote]The Italians have determined what they want for thier breed. I respect that. End of story.[/blockquote] sorry bradly boy but an across the board generalizing statement that all italians breed mastini like that overdone "type" as pictured, that of course you not correct...[/quote] Take a look at S.A.M.N. and E.N.C.I. champions and then get back to me on that. -
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1 word for ya bradly "ALLERI" :wink: -
- · OBI1
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[quote=sodapop1124]1 word for ya bradly "ALLERI" :wink:[/quote] Have you seen pictures of Alleri's Older dogs? Have you seen the ancestors of the current Alleri type? -
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its what Virgilio is breeding now thats important and the direction hes going... -
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[quote=sodapop1124]its what Virgilio is breeding now thats important and the direction hes going...[/quote] Exactly. :wink: -
- · Phil2511
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[quote=Wolf"][quote="sodapop1124]its what Virgilio is breeding now thats important and the direction hes going...[/quote] Exactly. :wink: [/quote]