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Those products are not known to cause pregnancy loss. They are not great at controlling fleas and ticks either. If you can find it Frontine works much better. There can be many reason's why a b^tch would miscarry so I would not sweat it. Robin
Replies (10)
    • does anyone have experience with amitraz.(taktik 12.5% amitraz) can it make a pregnant bitch loose her puppies at 6-7 weeks pregnant. a friend of mine use it to combat ticks and fleas which is a common problem here. her bitch just lost the pups and she was wondering why. the only thing she did was dip the dog in taktik. we do not have a wide range of products available. mainly taktik dip or beticol dip. thanks troy
      • Those products are not known to cause pregnancy loss. They are not great at controlling fleas and ticks either. If you can find it Frontine works much better. There can be many reason's why a b^tch would miscarry so I would not sweat it. Robin
          • Most medications are contraindicated in pregnancy, for amitraz the reproductive safety has not been established, which means they always tell you to not use them during pregnancy. Most of the tick borne diseases cause loss of pregnancy, so if you are in a high risk zone you definitely need something. Frontline is not labeled safe for pregnant animals either but I would consider it safer then amitraz because it has a long history of no side effects in pregnant animals.Robin
            • In the late 80's my mom lost a litter of cockers by doing the same- dipping the bitch with Amitraz. After the vet told her it was safe.
              • thanks guys for the response. i thought also that frontline was a better option, but what has been done cannot be undo. frontline spray is VERY expensive here, but i guess if you want something so bad as she did, then one got to make sacrifices and spend a bit thanks all troy
                • It could be Brucellosis The primary disease signs associated with canine brucellosis are referable to the genital tract. One of the main symptoms is: Abortion (occurring late, usually at 6 to 8 weeks of gestation), or the birth of dead pups at term or near term, or birth of weak ("fading") pups that die shortly after birth. Uncommonly, pups may survive to carry the illness into later life. [url=http://molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=content&tid=387]Read more...[/url]
                  • maximus you just brought out the ghost in me i was scared to tell her that it might be brucellosis but i did. she treated all the rest of her dogs with amoxycillin 1000mg per day for 5 days.and disinfect all her kennels with javel/chlorine. i hope it works for her. anyway i will be there for her through thick and thin. BTW i did not know that brucellosis could be passed on in a pup and live through adulthood life of that same dog and then develope the desease when that same dog is pregnant.do they have a dormant/nonactive stage. any recommended reading/info/sites would be much appreciated thanks troy
                    • There are MANY things that can cause pregnancy loss in the dog, Brucellosis is one of them but even with the recent outbreak it is still not terribly common, unless you live in the South US and some other parts of the world. Stress can also be a huge factor, and dipping is most definitely a stressful event. I would never recommend dipping for a pregnant dog but if the poor thing is covered with fleas and/or ticks you sure want to do something. Brucellosis- http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&C=15&A=2428&S=0 Robin
                      • the dog was not covered in thick/fleas like you put it. it had like five thicks or so and a couple of fleas. but it is strange, non of her other dogs had it. and the female was clean until the six week pregnant, and she had not meet other dogs. where did it came from we do not know. she did not want the pups to be infested as it is more difficult as you know to treat pups than adult. troy
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