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amstaff on guard

Guarddogkennel.com they do coloardo bulldogs. There a mix with Am Staffs and American Bulldogs. Good luck
Replies (6)
    • does any body have any info on amstaff and \or bullboxer being use as guard dog of the home(family) or business area. (yard)
      • Guarddogkennel.com they do coloardo bulldogs. There a mix with Am Staffs and American Bulldogs. Good luck
        • thanks alot :D
          • [quote=troy]does any body have any info on amstaff and \or bullboxer being use as guard dog of the home(family) or business area. (yard)[/quote] to me : apbt and ast are not guarding dogs...or shouldn't be. they can be protective and guard but they wherent "made" for that. ast is already diferent from apbt because they got out of the pits longtime ago and dog agression droped a bit and the guardian side pop up due to the fact that people used (uses) them for guarding. one of my amstaffs is very cool with people but can face attaker (people protection but non protective of yard), other amstaff is cool with dogs but doesent trust too much in strangers and i must be carefull in certain situations( protective of yard + people protection). they are both amstaffs and they are both the oposite one of the other
            • yes you are right. that is exactly what i am experiencing. my male is cool in the yard but my female will eat an intruder. but on the other hand my male will not tolerate other males but my female gets along with other dogs, except for one of my bullboxers. i guess because that particular bull boxer is extremely dominant[/quote]
              • i have only females one of them pisses like male dogs and is more picky about dogs, dominace only, not charging "to kill" the other is big mouth but doesent atack dogs, she likes to run hogs and get runned by hog, but she is pick with some people they are from diferent origins too
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