Atomic Dog Magazine
American Bully, shame that the breeders call their dogs pit bulls rather than american bully's (though i know the pit is a type of dog rather than a breed, i still think it's a shame :()
- · jaboa
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Was at the book store & found this magazine on the newstand -
- · unknown
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American Bully, shame that the breeders call their dogs pit bulls rather than american bully's (though i know the pit is a type of dog rather than a breed, i still think it's a shame :() -
- · unknown
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eh they look like some kind of cross of a english bulldogge and cane corso. Looking worser then even usual,they really should be called American Bullies instead. -
- · davidfitness83
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I got one :) razors edge dog with some gotti.He wouldn't make it in the show ring lol
- · unknown
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The user who posted this thread was banned by the site administrators and the post depricated. -
- · unknown
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Most have no health testing and are racked with genetic issues. Of course, they still are riding the "pit bulls are healthy so we don't have to test" train. -
- · cawkazn
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heres me and my bully....and a vid [br][link={e_FILE}public/1324234279_18975_FT74637_konvictssonjpg-copy.jpg][img:width=500&height=416]{e_FILE}public/1324234279_18975_FT74637_konvictssonjpg-copy_.jpg">[/link][br] -
- · unknown
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The user who posted this thread was banned by the site administrators and the post depricated. -
- · cawkazn
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[quote1324267136=Vorax] Very impresive dog, love the head on him and I use to do the chain and pad lock leash on my pits. Wow that was an amazing video of some unusually Athletic Bullies. They have the right height and head for performance. I bet they would make some great catch dogs or you might want to get with this guy for Schutzhund You really have the total dog there. Do you have a link to the breeder? [/quote1324267136] thanks for your compliments, i have been told that before but..most ppl automatically bash my dogs once they hear bully before ever even seeing them and ramble on about what my dogs can and cannot due without ever even laying an eye on them and attempt to "educate" me on my dogs when they are basing all their knowledge off only hearing the name of the breed...bully i bred this dog. i used to be active in the whole bully world but did not like what i found or the scene really. ill post a few more pics of some of my dogs youy may like. i would like to do some protection work wqithg my dogs. 2 of them i belive would be good at it and have natural guarding instincts but as of now i dont have the free time to dedicate to it. the chain in pic is his tie out chain heres a 1st pick male off a litter of mine. he came off the male in the pic x a bully bitch with some presa added in. 8 weeks old here on the "flirt" pole check him at doesnt really do him justice but is the only thing i have managed to get on tape. -
- · unknown
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Howard is in my neck of the woods, it would be a bit of a commute from Cali, lol. Great guy with great dogs. I have competed against/with them on quite a few occasions; as well as some of his puppy buyers. Vorax, are you friends with Howard? -
- · acamper
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[quote1324272904=cawkazn] heres me and my bully....and a vid [br][link={e_FILE}public/1324234279_18975_FT74637_konvictssonjpg-copy.jpg][img:width=500&height=416]{e_FILE}public/1324234279_18975_FT74637_konvictssonjpg-copy_.jpg">[/link][br] [/quote1324272904] Your dogs look NOTHING like the low-to-the-GROUND American Bullies, VERY nice looking. -
- · cawkazn
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this is my favorite pic of my male and i feel defines him best [br][link={e_FILE}public/1324277475_18975_FT74637_coyoteday007-1.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324277475_18975_FT74637_coyoteday007-1_.jpg">[/link][br] -
- · unknown
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The user who posted this thread was banned by the site administrators and the post depricated. -
- · unknown
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The user who posted this thread was banned by the site administrators and the post depricated. -
- · cawkazn
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[quote1324357928=Vorax] [quote1324298221=cawkazn] thanks for your compliments, i have been told that before but..most ppl automatically bash my dogs once they hear bully before ever even seeing them and ramble on about what my dogs can and cannot due without ever even laying an eye on them and attempt to "educate" me on my dogs when they are basing all their knowledge off only hearing the name of the breed...bully i bred this dog. i used to be active in the whole bully world but did not like what i found or the scene really. ill post a few more pics of some of my dogs youy may like. i would like to do some protection work wqithg my dogs. 2 of them i belive would be good at it and have natural guarding instincts but as of now i dont have the free time to dedicate to it. the chain in pic is his tie out chain heres a 1st pick male off a litter of mine. he came off the male in the pic x a bully bitch with some presa added in. 8 weeks old here on the "flirt" pole check him at doesnt really do him justice but is the only thing i have managed to get on tape. [/quote1324298221] Well as you have seen in the Bully world they're nothing like your dogs. I would go out on a limb and say you have actually what Bandog breeders try to achieve and if your're breeding with Presa crosses then fair to say you're in the Bandog club. The pup is showing some real amazing potential at 8 weeks hanging like that . You have a great place to take your dogs out and was hilarious seeing you try to make it up the cliff after your dogs, did they ever get a rabbit? Have you measured his head and height at shoulders? How much does he weigh? You got a pm. [/quote1324357928] i havnt measured his head or height. they have caught a rabbit, a skunk, and sometimes birds. i was trying to make that same argument a while back that "some" bullies could be considered bandogges but no one agreed with me. the thing is there are so many different types of bullies. the short low ones are mixed with bulldogs, but the extremely large ones which was the craze not too long ago was to have the biggest dogs possible...anyways the biiiig bullies are usually a combo of pit x sometype of mastiff....aka a bandogge. here is an example of a bully that could also be called a bandogge IMO. obvious mastiff outcross also take a look at this guys dogs...they are the xxl bullies (mastiff outcrosses)... some of his dogs are nice.....some others not so good -
- · cawkazn
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samepup from the vid at 1 yr old now [br][link={e_FILE}public/1324440703_18975_FT74637_409709_342130629137006_100000202161680_1580487_139428070_n_1.jpg][img:width=500&height=281]{e_FILE}public/1324440703_18975_FT74637_409709_342130629137006_100000202161680_1580487_139428070_n_1_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324440703_18975_FT74637_392336_342131109136958_100000202161680_1580488_1775921929_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=281]{e_FILE}public/1324440703_18975_FT74637_392336_342131109136958_100000202161680_1580488_1775921929_n_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324440800_18975_FT74637_251064_230829730267097_100000202161680_1122447_5657610_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324440800_18975_FT74637_251064_230829730267097_100000202161680_1122447_5657610_n_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324440800_18975_FT74637_251064_230829733600430_100000202161680_1122448_162576_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324440800_18975_FT74637_251064_230829733600430_100000202161680_1122448_162576_n_.jpg">[/link][br] 2 pup pics above [br][link={e_FILE}public/1324440831_18975_FT74637_381840_2891651856785_1424936682_33121477_1945641776_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324440831_18975_FT74637_381840_2891651856785_1424936682_33121477_1945641776_n_.jpg">[/link] the white dog is a example of an athletic bully above as well as the pics below[br][img:width=480&height=640]{e_FILE}public/1324440926_18975_FT74637_img_0013.jpg">[br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441212_18975_FT74637_185796_1879945284753_1424936682_32184181_825383_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441212_18975_FT74637_185796_1879945284753_1424936682_32184181_825383_n_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441227_18975_FT74637_aaaaaaaaaaaaadoja.jpg][img:width=500&height=561]{e_FILE}public/1324441227_18975_FT74637_aaaaaaaaaaaaadoja_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441278_18975_FT74637_181497_1880009566360_1424936682_32184330_725626_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441278_18975_FT74637_181497_1880009566360_1424936682_32184330_725626_n_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441278_18975_FT74637_183993_1879955365005_1424936682_32184200_4465776_n.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441278_18975_FT74637_183993_1879955365005_1424936682_32184200_4465776_n_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441316_18975_FT74637_picture105.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441316_18975_FT74637_picture105_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441316_18975_FT74637_picture087.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441316_18975_FT74637_picture087_.jpg">[/link][br] my old "red nose"[br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441381_18975_FT74637_reddog001.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441381_18975_FT74637_reddog001_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441381_18975_FT74637_reddog002.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441381_18975_FT74637_reddog002_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1324441381_18975_FT74637_reddog004.jpg][img:width=500&height=375]{e_FILE}public/1324441381_18975_FT74637_reddog004_.jpg">[/link][br] and an example of a powerfull bully, the dog is athletic still, may not be as agile as a typical bandogge but this dog lacks in agility it makes up in strength[br][img:width=467&height=396]{e_FILE}public/1324441491_18975_FT74637_zulu1-14-2010-1.jpg"> these are all dogs i have bred -
- · unknown
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Rambo is one good looking dog, hope you find the female like him. -
- · tiger12490
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man i'm not into blues but i would definitely go to you for one if i was ever looking you have some amazing looking dogs man -