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I think you should start by getting a discussion going with Lee Robinson. He is one of the best and most knowledgeable bandogger out there. You can find him at http://www.americanbandog.com/  But he is in Mississippi not Cali.

Lee Robinson


Phone: 601-573-3449

You will probably find some people who are not happy with Lee but don't let that deter you.


Replies (17)
    • Hello, it's been about 5 years since I have been on this forum.  I love Bandogs and I will be looking to purchase one in the future.  My preference would be a female of about 90 lbs and 25 inches at the shoulder.  Does anyone knows of a reputable breeder in California? Thank you.  

      • I think you should start by getting a discussion going with Lee Robinson. He is one of the best and most knowledgeable bandogger out there. You can find him at http://www.americanbandog.com/  But he is in Mississippi not Cali.

        Lee Robinson


        Phone: 601-573-3449

        You will probably find some people who are not happy with Lee but don't let that deter you.


        • Hi Gary, thank you for the response! 

          Yes Lee is my first choice outside of California.  I’ve been following him since he started his program about 16 + years ago. As a matter of fact, I was supposed to get one of his dogs 9 years ago, but it didn’t work out at the last minute.  He is extremely dedicated and I really like his program.  I just wanted someone in California, so that I can visit the kennel, see how puppies develop and bring a trainer to evaluate the puppies prior picking a pup.  

          There are no Bandogge breeders in California? 

          • There are some but I am not familiar with their program so you would have to research them extensively. Below are 2 links to the ones that seem to standout in my opinion.



            Best regards,


            • I would personally speak with Leagh Huhta with Forte Molosser's in Washington myself.

              • And they are closer to California

                Seattle, Washington | fortemolossers@gmail.com | 360.722.6773




                • Thank you for the suggestion regarding forte Molosser kennel. I also had a question if anyone was familiar with Manson Family Protection Bandogs?  I don’t have Facebook, so it is hard for me to contact them, but I like what I’ve seen on their dogs so far.  Temperament and nerves seems to be solid and I especially like the fact that they seem to be the size of dog I like, around 90-100 lbs.  Or am I mistaking about their size?  If anyone one has an email contact address on them it would be great.  Thank you. 

                  • Steelblood Bandog Kennels looks like they have athletic dogs, well trained and nice training facility they are in Europe however. Make sure to do your own first hand research by visiting various breeders; their dogs and kennels. Make sure prior to purchase to have them temperament tested are up to date on shots, are healthy by vet check, make sure parents have zero hip dysplasia verified by x-ray.





                    • Thanks for the info. Steelblood dogs look lean and physically the way I like a Bandog to be.  Just hard to check all important elements when a breeder is so far, could also be a bit pricey.  I’ll have to narrow it down to maybe 2-3 programs here in the US and visit be able to their facilities. 

                      • Several years ago while researching bandogs I came across a kennel in California. The woman that owned the kennel had been breeding Swinford bandogs for 20 or more years as indicated on her website. Her dogs looked true to type. I don't know if she's still breeding I haven't seen her website up in four or five years. She may have retired from breeding.

                        • i think i remember you dude

                          • i think i remember you dude

                            • Thanks for the info.  Yeah, I’ve been around the Bandog Molosser scene for over 15 years and I think I remember you too.  Seems that breeder is no longer active, I couldn’t find her on the web.  Where are you located and what dogs do you have at the moment?

                              • yes i remember you posting many pictures of you taking your dog hiking all the time i believe.


                                chimera kennels is where you want to go if your looking for a working bandogge.  


                                • chimera kennels lee robinson is a very smart dude with a college education in I forget what exaclty, but it relates to dog breeding, maybe animal sciences or something.......anyways, he has been breeding for a very long time and makes great dogs but they are a bit expensive. 


                                  I am located in socal in the inland empire i think your from LA area right?

                                  • i remember this guy being associated with lee somehow?





                                    • all my dogs are getting old. I have 2 males and a spayed female. Im open to breeding my male to a bitch. i can show you the parents to my male. 


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