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Behaviour of guardian dogs

Redirection is an act of frustration. Many dogs do it. Fence fighting is not protecting. Many dogs will redirect behind a fence, but when actually defending, they work as a team. You need to test them with a threat without a fence to fully see if they will work together or not.
Replies (16)
    • I would like to know your opinions about this behaviour of guarding dogs that seems to be common. When I have 2 or more dogs guarding a zone of my house, let's say the front fence, and a strange (dog or person) get near they go over immediately. But the male fights with the female (or the 2 females fight each other, as the case may be) to be the sole dog that face the thread. This used to happen with my Filas Brazileiros every day but I thought it would not happen with my LGDs; and it is the same. I think it could be a matter of hierarchy but I am not sure. But any way, that behaviour is against a pack/team work. It would be ridiculous if one wolf attacks the flock and as soon as 2 or more dogs go for it they begin to fight among them. You will see this behaviour in this video when the Neo is guarding and the other dog gets closer to the fence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUx552uGCZ0 So is it useless to have more than one dog guarding the same place? What do you think? hugo
      • Redirection is an act of frustration. Many dogs do it. Fence fighting is not protecting. Many dogs will redirect behind a fence, but when actually defending, they work as a team. You need to test them with a threat without a fence to fully see if they will work together or not.
        • It's normal. Train one dog as a "close" dog and the other one as the "forward" dog, meaning the close dog is to stay behind - near you or the house, while the forward dog handles the front fence, so they stay out of each other's way. Once the intruder is inside your property, they shouldn't redirect to one another at all.
          • In my pack it was always the second in place who started a fight.When the leader met another dog and that dog acted agression the second in place attacked the dog.Leader didnt start. A few weeks ago adog came around the corner and my gsd started growling and barking and suddenly attacked my co.I always said to my sonn never ever let him go always no matter what hold on and thank god he did because otherwise my gsd would be dead. My question is is it always the beta dogs who redirect their agression?My second in pack had the biggest mouth and shows much agression but the silent dog is defendly in charge. So does redirection agression belong to the beta dogs?
            • I know not everyone cares for Cesar Milan, but I think he would say there is some instability there. Not that my Tosas are true guard dogs, but when they're alerting to something, or dog charges them from behind a fence, there is no redirection. Never had any redirection under any circumstances with my dogs. Maybe more exercise would fix the problem? No harm in trying. ;)
              • well I don't know. I have multiple dogs and never have problems with that. But our neighbour has two malinois and they are like that. When they see a strange dog or human they come to the fence and than one dog attacks the other (always he same dog starts the fight) and than they fight. Which is kinda of stupif if you ask me, cause if they fight each other they are not efficient at keeping the intruders away now, are they..? Perhaps it is really to do with the dominance status, but also I think the dogs temperament. I know malinois are very reactive...Which LGD do you have (breed)? is that the actual footage of your dog or just an example of the behaviour (neo dog) ?
                • [quote1255117857=paw-paw] well I don't know. I have multiple dogs and never have problems with that. But our neighbour has two malinois and they are like that. When they see a strange dog or human they come to the fence and than one dog attacks the other (always he same dog starts the fight) and than they fight. Which is kinda of stupif if you ask me, cause if they fight each other they are not efficient at keeping the intruders away now, are they..? Perhaps it is really to do with the dominance status, but also I think the dogs temperament. I know malinois are very reactive...Which LGD do you have (breed)? is that the actual footage of your dog or just an example of the behaviour (neo dog) ? [/quote1255117857] I was talking about my CAOs but used to be the same with my Filas. The vid linck I put was just an example. Now, it make a lot of sense to me the explanation of Igmuska (shared by Wolf, I understand), so if the intruders get in all the pack will guard the place. hugo
                  • as soon they can reach the danger they worked indeed as a pack
                    • "Redirection is an act of frustration" Class, Betsy gets an "A" on this one. Most dog behavior answers are much less complecated that we make them out to be.
                      • Yes...I agree with Platz and Igmuska....I would do a couple things with this...One-get all dogs away from the fence...Work them, walk them whatever since they are redirecting on eachother They are most likely Bored..after exercise I would test and see if they react properly w/o fenice, and if not THEN train them-Like Wolf said. Good Luck. FYI-I have multiple Neo's and ddb, and a bandog...None of mine redirect on eachother while fence fighting, and they do fence fight.
                        • Jess - I don't feel this is an exercise/bored issue. My Rotty re0directs on to her dog bed in her Kennel run. I've see this AFTER biking her or swimming whjen I know she's exhausted. Until the dog feel the stimulous is a non-threat the behavior will continue. A freind happen to see my dog flinging her 4'x4' dog bed around like it was a sock as he approached the house. I thought ihis comment was point on and a little funny. He sais, "She looked a me as she flung the bed like she was trying to tell me...This bed...this is YOU!!!". LOL I only correct for this behavior if people are on the street in front of the house. Once they get on my property I don't have a problem with my dogs demonstation.
                          • That sounds like while she's kenneled.... Do you let your dogs run as a pack? The reason why I asked is because for me if I do not exercise my dogs for a bit I will notice more aggression towards eachother and rougher play actually. Hugo what type of work do you give to your dogs?
                            • Yes my dogs are kennel during the day, my yard is not fenced, so in essence the Kennel is the fence. I only keep two dogs male & female typically. I had a 3rd very sr. male that was separated from the young male. As a male female team in the home I have no redirection at the door/windows. Do you think that mabe some of the behavior you see with your pack is rank motivated?
                              • [quote1255636264=babigirl] That sounds like while she's kenneled.... Do you let your dogs run as a pack? The reason why I asked is because for me if I do not exercise my dogs for a bit I will notice more aggression towards eachother and rougher play actually. Hugo what type of work do you give to your dogs? [/quote1255636264] While they are pups they play together at will at the garden. In adition, from 3 months on they walk dayly, and from 18 months on they run on a progressive basis until each one reaches 2 1/2 miles every day except for sunday. Now, I want to introduce some kind of weigh pulling. This was Alanto one of my Filas Brasileiros: And she was Ely, a very strong female: This is Sardar, one of my CAOs guarding at the fence and then being tested when he was 14 or 16 months: This is Sardar right now, he is around 7 years old: hugo
                                • [quote1255658923=Hugo] [quote1255636264=babigirl] That sounds like while she's kenneled.... Do you let your dogs run as a pack? The reason why I asked is because for me if I do not exercise my dogs for a bit I will notice more aggression towards eachother and rougher play actually. Hugo what type of work do you give to your dogs? [/quote1255636264] While they are pups they play together at will at the garden. In adition, from 3 months on they walk dayly, and from 18 months on they run on a progressive basis until each one reaches 2 1/2 miles every day except for sunday. Now, I want to introduce some kind of weigh pulling. This was Alanto one of my Filas Brasileiros: And she was Ely, a very strong female: This is Sardar, one of my CAOs guarding at the fence and then being tested when he was 14 or 16 months: This is Sardar right now, he is around 7 years old: hugo [/quote1255658923] Nice dog Ely, she had the apereances of a male, great dog you had Hugo. And Sardar also looks terrific. The weight pulling is a perfect sport for them, how many times a week is recomend for that. I can imagine the weight is graduable , but maybe 3 or 4 times a week is good? Right? besides the everyday walk, and some extra, the dogs you have now are going to be really strong.
                                  • great dogs you have hugo. thank you for posting them and beside that your yard looks great too.
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