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Boerboel fans - SABT Appraisal Southern Ontario - New date - November 21, 2009

APPRAISAL DAY - NOVEMBER 21, 2009 Click for more information to arrange your Boerboel's appraisal. For SABT info. re: Membership and what paperwork is required; check here; Next Scheduled North American Appraisal Tour (SABT -- South African Boerboel Breeders Association) http://www.sabt-usa.org/NextAppraisalTour.aspx (You need to be an SABT member and your dog needs to be on the Appraisal list - scroll down past the Schedule table to find useful links) Location: TEE CREEK DOG TRAINING CENTRE 12195 Willodell Road Niagara Falls, Ontario GPS location - East 0654045 North 4762749 http://www.teecreek.com/location.html TeeCreek.Com Time: 9:00 a.m. SHARP Appraiser: Thys von Solms SABT Account Statement must be produced at the door; or fees will be collected by office staff. We are expecting a decent turnout of 20 Boerboels; but there is always room for more. Remember the SABT is accepting Foreign Registry dogs; so your USBA/EBBASA/AKC dogs can come and be appraised as well. For event info: check here; http://www.firstdogofftheporch.ca/sabt.htm CAVB SABT APPRAISAL November 21, 2009 BRING SOME SPENDING MONEY SHOW PHOTOS (STACKED WITH BACKDROP) WILL BE TAKEN BY SYREN PHOTOGRAPHY Their set prices are as follows; Glossy 8 x 10 is 15.00 Glossy 5 x 7 is 10.00 Glossy 4 x 6 is 5.00 Multiple shot photo CD is 25.00 All of these prices are in Canadian funds and all products will be made available for you to take home THAT day! CHILI, COFFEE, TEA, WATER AND POP WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE
Replies (1)
    • APPRAISAL DAY - NOVEMBER 21, 2009 Click for more information to arrange your Boerboel's appraisal. For SABT info. re: Membership and what paperwork is required; check here; Next Scheduled North American Appraisal Tour (SABT -- South African Boerboel Breeders Association) http://www.sabt-usa.org/NextAppraisalTour.aspx (You need to be an SABT member and your dog needs to be on the Appraisal list - scroll down past the Schedule table to find useful links) Location: TEE CREEK DOG TRAINING CENTRE 12195 Willodell Road Niagara Falls, Ontario GPS location - East 0654045 North 4762749 http://www.teecreek.com/location.html TeeCreek.Com Time: 9:00 a.m. SHARP Appraiser: Thys von Solms SABT Account Statement must be produced at the door; or fees will be collected by office staff. We are expecting a decent turnout of 20 Boerboels; but there is always room for more. Remember the SABT is accepting Foreign Registry dogs; so your USBA/EBBASA/AKC dogs can come and be appraised as well. For event info: check here; http://www.firstdogofftheporch.ca/sabt.htm CAVB SABT APPRAISAL November 21, 2009 BRING SOME SPENDING MONEY SHOW PHOTOS (STACKED WITH BACKDROP) WILL BE TAKEN BY SYREN PHOTOGRAPHY Their set prices are as follows; Glossy 8 x 10 is 15.00 Glossy 5 x 7 is 10.00 Glossy 4 x 6 is 5.00 Multiple shot photo CD is 25.00 All of these prices are in Canadian funds and all products will be made available for you to take home THAT day! CHILI, COFFEE, TEA, WATER AND POP WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE
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