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Book about the Sarplaninac

there any books on Sarplaninac in English??? Please advise, I am kind of desperate! Can't find anything anywhere!!!
Replies (8)
    • Here is a book about the Sarplaninac that is available from our Amazon Store [url=http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=2732823899][/url]
      • This is a good book written by Dr Maija Jovanovic. She is the lady that know alot about the breed and she is probably the best breeder of Sarplaninacs in Belgium. This book is currently unavailable at Amazon store, but enyone who is interested to buy it can contact Mrs Jovanovic trough web pages of her kennel named "Les Montagnes Serbes". I don't have a link here, but you can just type the name of her kennel at your internet browser and find the contact address. admin edited here is the [url=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/sarplaninci]link[/url] The thing that I don't like is that this book is printed only in french language. If someone is interested, I can provide you with two books about Sarplaninac on english language. The first one is "SARPLANINAC" written by veterinarian Mr Radisa Ruzic and the second one is "Sarplaninac - From the roof of the World to the top of the Balkan" written by Mr Obrad Skipic. Aleksa
        • there any books on Sarplaninac in English??? Please advise, I am kind of desperate! Can't find anything anywhere!!!
          • Fedra, "Sarplaninac - From the roof of the World to the top of the Balkan" is bilingual, Serbian and English. You may buy this book. Ciao
            • EG, where do I buy it???
              • Is there a book in albanian and where can I buy it?
                • [quote=aleksa]"Sarplaninac - From the roof of the World to the top of the Balkan" written by Mr Obrad Skipic.[/quote] Some folks would probably enjoy this one, but I wouldn't wipe my dog`s butt with it.
                  • :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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