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Cao de Fila Sao Miguel

Simple answer: Good ones are VERY hard. These dont make the best pets, because of the dominance levels... Bad ones are really bad. As with every breed, there is more junk than good dogs. If you consider a dog's quality by show standards, then they are better than ever. I, on the other hand, feel that the quality of a dog shines through when this dog is called upon to perform its historical purpose. I know of show line dogs that lack heart for cattle or to endure the hard life that farmer's dogs live. The azorean farmer is VERY hard on his dogs. They are tools, not pets. Hope this helps
Replies (2)
    • Does anybody have first hand experience with the cao de fila sao miguel. I have read the breed profile here, and some things in encyclopedias and breeders site, but the breeders always put their breed as perfect and encyclopedias are too general. The dog got good size, rustic look with the mickey mouse ears, and hard temperament, but my question is compared to which breed's temperament is similar the cao de fila and if it is true the greagrious nature of this breed. Thanks
      • Simple answer: Good ones are VERY hard. These dont make the best pets, because of the dominance levels... Bad ones are really bad. As with every breed, there is more junk than good dogs. If you consider a dog's quality by show standards, then they are better than ever. I, on the other hand, feel that the quality of a dog shines through when this dog is called upon to perform its historical purpose. I know of show line dogs that lack heart for cattle or to endure the hard life that farmer's dogs live. The azorean farmer is VERY hard on his dogs. They are tools, not pets. Hope this helps
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