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Car sick Pup

I dont know if the pup has a lot of space in the car but the best thing is to make the place as small as possible so that the pup doesnt move much. When i locked my dog in with stuff so he couldnt go left and right all was fine when he had the whole place to go around he got sick because of all the movement.
Replies (5)
    • I have a friend who has a 4 month old boxer who JUST started to show signs of car sickness. He got him at 2 months and drove him home 40 miles no issues.went to vets 10 miles no issue back to vets at 3 months car sick 1x on way 2 x on way home last trip to vet 1x sick on way home. I have never had a dog that got carsick is there any cures? Might he grow out of it? Any and all hints ideas Thanks Nick
      • when i brought my belgian puppy home from the breeders she was fine .. then a few weeks/months later.. she developed this horrible car sickness .. every time the car stopped she yakked .. was very frustrating i did a few things to 'help' -- didn't feed her the day of a drive, i also tried giving her ginger snap cookies .. sadly, mostly, she just grew out of it. well, it's not sad she grew out of it .. but sad that it took her almost a year to be done :cry:
        • AS stated already, we tried ginger snaps also with mixed results. I've found the best result for my dogs is not to feed them that day before any travel (if we know about it, such as the vet)
          • I dont know if the pup has a lot of space in the car but the best thing is to make the place as small as possible so that the pup doesnt move much. When i locked my dog in with stuff so he couldnt go left and right all was fine when he had the whole place to go around he got sick because of all the movement.
            • well i have a basset hound and an english mastiff... the basset being carsick also we have had no luck either so we just tend to have somone rub his belly and have a bag hands incase that doesnt work i have found that that works for me i have also found that when he has hiccups then it also works but u can try it for yourself and if not then sorry i couldnt help. keep in mind that what u had stated that your friends dog has it worse then mine.
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