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Someone's ass is gonna be uncovered and it will be red from SPANKIN.....
Replies (14)
    • The Internet I've come to know affords people the opportunities to share knowledge, unfortunately the internet has also provided the opportunity for alot of frustrated people to vent their inner demons after all its a virtual world. You find all sorts of self appointed experts and cyber proffessors who don't have practical knowledge of the issues they argue most passionately about. I guess they just want to impress on others their virtual brilliance.. Where is the world heading to? A world where it is fashionable to be a witch? It is cool to malign others for kicks with the GANG Yeah the GANG WITCH OOHH sorry WHICH brings me to the title only a COWARD will want to fight another on unequal terms, Its been said that lots of cowards make a fearless gang. They're at their most heroics when they are in their nocturnal abode. The internet? hmm tool for some, weapon of mass destruction for others, the ZION TRAIN for I RASTAFARI :lol: but then again a WITCHES super sonic broom for others. :wink:
      • I deleted some posts that were not related to the topic. Also, quoting discussions from other forums is not a good idea because the members here are not privy to the whole conversation.
        • I dont know that i believe in witches Thought that Movie Blair Witch Project was weird as hell :lol:
          • Someone's ass is gonna be uncovered and it will be red from SPANKIN.....
            • OB1....since the can of worms is open..perhaps you'd spill it out
              • [quote="OBI1"]Where is the world heading to? A world where it is fashionable to be a witch? It is cool to malign others for kicks with the GANG Yeah the GANG WITCH OOHH sorry WHICH brings me to the title only a COWARD will want to fight another on unequal terms,.....[/quote] Obi, It is also the method of a true warrior to not fight on equal terms. We are trained to exploit the weakness of the oponent, attack with overwhelming force and surprise and to kill the enemy before he/she kills us. This is not a political statement - just a practical one. We should use any means available to vanquish an enemy, to win by atrition if you will. Those methods may seem cowardly but indeed will almost certainly guarantee victory. On the other hand - a coward with a weapon is more dangerous that a warrior with the same weapon because one respects the weapon and can be trusted to apply it appropriately, the coward is unpredictable because they are driven be fear and cannot see past the present. Anyway, I hope I did not throw the topic off track. Thanks for starting this thread.
                • There is no wrong or right way to win a fight or war. The end goal is to win , period, and that is by the quickest and fastest method, anything goes.
                  • including nuclear ordinance?
                    • Honour is a thing of the past and so is being an honourable warrior. Since the very definitions of what is right and wrong have changed, it's really no surprise that cowardly acts of "warfare" without honour are apparently accepted as the norm today. There's no more room for "fighting like a man" and "being a respectable warrior". If anything, that type of thinking is largely ridiculed in modern times, especially by those who follow the "just nuke 'em" philosophy. I guess it boils down to your own interpretation of it; for many, dropping bombs on the enemy instead of "fighting like men" is by definition cowardice, while some others see absolutely no problem with such type of warfare at all.
                      • Its interesting to see the reactions to my initial post. It might be the norm in todays world to win a war at all costs, but I guess that doesn't transcend to feuds between two humans. I've always believed that a society where people are shut up or shut out for what they might say in reaction to certain issues can hardly be described as democratic and says much of freedom of speech. I still think its cowardly to shut out your opponent in a feud from a forum then go ahead and malign him there. Its plain cowardice and maybe SKELETONS ..... :?: :?: :?:
                        • OBI1, I'm sorry to say that I don't really have a clue about what your original post was referencing specifically, but since the thread has gone in a different direction, my reply was focused on the subject of cowardice in war, as touched upon in the couple of posts preceeding mine. Anyway, you were saying something about gangs of rastafari witches? I'm afraid I don't follow, did I miss something?
                          • [quote=Wolf]OBI1, I'm sorry to say that I don't really have a clue about what your original post was referencing specifically, but since the thread has gone in a different direction, my reply was focused on the subject of cowardice in war, as touched upon in the couple of posts preceeding mine. Anyway, you were saying something about gangs of rastafari witches? I'm afraid I don't follow, did I miss something?[/quote] lol thats a nice way to put it, but a rastafari can't be a witch.. 8O (just joking) read the last post in my blog site... http://www.musthavepets.com/blogs/aritocratmastini/
                            • Thanks for the clarification. I guess the thread really did go off topic, hehe. :D
                              • Cheers Wolf I love your signature; "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) It says alot with just a few words.
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