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Coyote Time...

Judging by that pic I'd feel very sorry for any coyote she got a hold of. 

Replies (4)
    • Pic attached was taken with my cheap cell phone, seconds before my dog took off after a large coyote this morning. Amazingly, the coyote was hanging out in a busy urban park where many people work out and take their dogs to, a park surrunded by roads, freeways etc. It was a close call, as my crazy girl got really close to catch it. Of course she went crazy and did not want to stop or stay or anything, got lucky this time. 

      • i have my boy go after coyotes a few times too, by my spot though its totally empty so now chance of them running out across a street or something, they are way too fast for him to catch. i bet your dog has a good chance at catching one though as im sure shes fast. usually they are pretty small thin animals, although one time i did across a very large strong one, probably about 60 lbs or so im guessing. we actually came across a pup twice, luckily my dog didnt hurt it, and i leashed them up and left it alone soon as we had left about 10 yards mom came and they took off.

        • Judging by that pic I'd feel very sorry for any coyote she got a hold of. 

          • Yeah, she is fast and strong. At one point when they were running in an open soccer field, she came within 5 inches to catch it. I know now that when her and I are in the mountains, she will keep me safe from wildlife.

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