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Crazy Girl

You are so right Jess. I have a young CO pup that is coming into his temperament now and the change is dramatic and challenging - I am used to it though. Gotta love a dog with a solid temperament.

Replies (11)
    • Laika took off after some wild life the other day while hiking in remote mountains. It took me 4 hours to find her just when it was getting dark, man I got scared. She is fine, no scratch, just dirty as hell. Also took us 3 hours to get back to the car in pitch black, what an adventure!

      Her prey drive is so strong, that no matter what I do, she will not stop until she gets to the prey. We both got lucky she didn't stumble over a pack of coyotes or a mountain lion, but I know she did get to something for sure because of her speed, it's almost like she can fly. 

      This tought me a valuable lesson as to how it feels when you think you lost your dog, very scary! I will take strict measures with her, and for now there are some safe hiking trails around my area that we'll as our playground for a while.

      I will also start her on personal protection, since she loves to fight and bite, and maybe check agility courses. Will keep you guys posted about the developments of my crazy girl.

      • Is that a good idea to put on protection training dog who loves bite and fight and won't come back, but keep getting lost? I would be very careful with that.;) 

        • Good point Kretka.

          Obedience seem more useful

          • No matter how much I tried to train her, she becomes possesed when she sees wild life and nothing can stop her. We now hike in safe areas and she is fine.

            • Gotta love having a head strong and high prey drive dog......

              It's like being proud and pissed off at the same time. 



              • You are so right Jess. I have a young CO pup that is coming into his temperament now and the change is dramatic and challenging - I am used to it though. Gotta love a dog with a solid temperament.

                • Zizu just start her protection training... We start from "sit", "down", "stay", "come" again and again - to make sure she is completely predictable in the situation when she will be near to someone throat...  I know what u guys saying, I am proud myself, annoyed myself many times, but can not avoid the fact that my dog is an animal, who is capable and in power to hurt and to train it to hurt I have to be 200% sure that I will be able to stop it in any situation and any place... Also I must be sure it will switch on and off at any time I wish. Period.

                  • Yes proud and pissed is just about right. In this pic, she spotted a squirrel 200 feet away, and she is ready to go...

                    • I totally know and have experience of such dogs ,infact I own one that is just like that.Very athelitic , high prey drive,easily distracted and the potential to be naughty.In the clip below meet selby three yaers old in this vid,she's the one that is playing with a dobermann cross and actually keeping up with it and still bats her brothr back to me when she eventually decides to listen.


                      In the next clip you can see one of the ways I deal with her ,for the want of a better word,her overly exhubruent nature.Although the leanest of my pack he is able to carry in her back pack 6 plus kilos.This has the benefit of giving her a job and carrying weight distracts her from going wayward dogs find it hard to multitask.Some may say it seems cruel specially when (about 2 mins into the clip) she is coming down the stirs of a moving double decker bus, but as you will see she does it on her own with only little encouragement from me and then steps off the bus and is calm and compliant when crossing a very busy road.


                      In the next clip you can see her returnuing home having carried 4 litres of water for about 3 miles,the others aren't challenge in the same way as they are better behaved lol .(you'll have to forgive my bad singing I had my earphones in and didn't realise till I uploaded the video to my computer)


                      If there is any doubt as to her intense nature watch her in the next clip,compared to the other dogs she has the higher intensity


                      In the next clip you can see her playing with a young staffordshire bull terrier a high energy dog giving her an outlet to release her intensity and develope her tolerance of smaller animals in a controlled enviroment.


                      And of course ,not as replacement for going out but as an addition to it,I now have her on her a treadmill to drain energy.


                      I think these sort of dogs,tho challenging, make excellent dogs that can be used or many things ,they are usually of higher intelligence so stimulation is good for them and exposing them to new challenges is always fun and often rewarding as you can see in the next clip where she has to tackle being on an escalator for the very first time and you can see she tolerates it well seeing as it i her first time.


                      I am not going o say it has been easy to get her to the way she is today,there have been many fustrating moments and lots of "ffs" moments but the rewards of getting these sort of dogs to a controlable and compliant stage is very satisfying and an absolute relief specially as there have been many times when I thought I would never get her right.

                      • Thank you for the great feedback and advises. I am glad to hear you are getting results and that your efforts are rewarding. I will see what I can "experiment" with and hope to get some results too. Thanks again. 

                        • Good luck Castanha.Sometimes challenging the dog mentally is more tiring for the dog than physical exercise.Make it fun and you know your dog and what will stimulate her it's not a one size fits all.Good luck with your endeavours 

                          Andy UK 

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