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Damn bigger than Sire...............

I'd offer that one should put more emphisis on the Damm's FATHER, as daughters tend to produce puppys like thier fathers.
Replies (7)
    • Hello In most cases the sire is bigger than the damn, If it was the other way around would the pups take more characteristics of the mother or father. Asking because in December I will be welcoming a DDB pup into the family and in my case the mother is larger than the father. The mom is 28 inches tall and weighs almost 140 and the father is 26 inches tall and weighs about 135. my pup will a male pup. thank you for the help.
      • [quote]HEIGHT & WEIGHT -- Desirable height at maturity, measured at the withers, ranges from 23½ to 26½ inches for males and 22½ to 25½ inches for females. Dogs in good condition should weight at least 110 pounds and bitches at least 99. All other things being equal, the larger dog should be given preference over the smaller.[/quote] In most cases the dam contributes the greater percentage of traits to the litter. If they are both within the breed standard parameters for the breed all should be well with the pups. Be careful of those that are not within the standard.
        • thank you for the help, should i be looking out for anything in particularto be worried about concerning the parents
          • I'd offer that one should put more emphisis on the Damm's FATHER, as daughters tend to produce puppys like thier fathers.
            • in one of my dogs the mother is bigger than father, my dog is still big but not as big as the mother, i guess that puppy takes from mother but it reduces size a bit
              • The Grandparents of your pup have a lot to do with your pups size. I try and get a female whos sire was a beast, that trait seems to come from the mothers Father; and allows her to produce larger pups. On my CC Pup his sire and damm were nice dogs both over 125lbs but more importantly to me the damms and sires father were over 130lbs, I think this will equate to a good size pup Rocco is now 4months old and over 50lbs on my vets scale
                • I am a Dam man myself. I like to get pups from big females opposed to big males. I have a Bull Boxer female from a 94 lb. female AB and a 80 lb. male Boxer. Some people put too much emphasis on a stud and not a good brood bitch.
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