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Difference in Temperament Between Genders?

there is a huge difference between male and female. The female is the best working dog, she is more focused, and I think the females are a lot more intelligent, than the males (I have 11 cane corso) But she is allso much more sharper towards strangers. She is allso better with kids than the male males are more easy around people, but can be male aggressive. They are more thickheaded regarding training. With the female, you show them what to do 1-2 times, and they have learned the command. The male is not that fast a learner
Replies (2)
    • Is there a big difference in temperament between male and female Cane Corsos. I had a male Rottie and am now getting a female Cane, wanted to know if there are any major differences I should expect. Most of my experience with Canes has also been with males. Thanks, MM.
      • there is a huge difference between male and female. The female is the best working dog, she is more focused, and I think the females are a lot more intelligent, than the males (I have 11 cane corso) But she is allso much more sharper towards strangers. She is allso better with kids than the male males are more easy around people, but can be male aggressive. They are more thickheaded regarding training. With the female, you show them what to do 1-2 times, and they have learned the command. The male is not that fast a learner
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