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Differences between a Co and a Fila?

I'll take a stab at this. I would say that yes, a co and a fila can co-exist peacefully if raised together from a young age, or if both dogs are trained enough with an owner who is experienced enough to introduce them properly. If you live in the Bahamas, i would say opt for the fila. They were bred and created in a tropical environment, for a tropical environment, to thrive in a tropical environment. I'm sorry that i can not give you an accurate pro/con discussion on their differences, as i don't have enough experience with the fila to do this. Plus, I'm biased towards the Kavkas Volkodav. Maybe someone else will see this and answer. I hope i was helpful in some way. Mike
Replies (10)
    • I have two questions. 1) The Co and Fila seem to be very similar to me. Very strong will, very protective of their master/family, not trusting of strangers and so on. What are the differnces of the two breeds? 2) Can a Co and fila (that meets the proper breed standars/temperment) live together? Can you please elaborate. Thank you. Bahamian
      • Did I ask something that is TABOO or something?! Do you all think I'm asking a dumb/stupid question? Are these the reasons why I can not get at least one person to answere me?!
        • I'll take a stab at this. I would say that yes, a co and a fila can co-exist peacefully if raised together from a young age, or if both dogs are trained enough with an owner who is experienced enough to introduce them properly. If you live in the Bahamas, i would say opt for the fila. They were bred and created in a tropical environment, for a tropical environment, to thrive in a tropical environment. I'm sorry that i can not give you an accurate pro/con discussion on their differences, as i don't have enough experience with the fila to do this. Plus, I'm biased towards the Kavkas Volkodav. Maybe someone else will see this and answer. I hope i was helpful in some way. Mike
          • [quote=crnosrce1] Plus, I'm biased towards the Kavkas Volkodav. [/quote] Ah, but he didn't ask about a KV. He asked about a CO in [url=http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=10866&highlight=#10866][u]THIS THREAD[/u][/url] and a Fila. :wink: Also, I agree with the first paragraph of your reply that it's very possible for these two breed to live together depending on their upbringing. A male/female combination would probably work best.
            • I would think that a female and male would work for most types. However, you may want to get one or both fixed unless you want a, what would it be, FILA Ovcharka, Caucasian Brasileiro - hey is kind of a cool name.
              • Kris.. I know, you're right. I should have talked about the Caucasian Ovtcharka, seeing as thats what he asked about, and also being that they and the Kavkas volkodav are now 2 very separate and different things. Sorry bahamian. Mike
                • Thanks for the replies, "IF" I was to have both breeds I can assure you that they would be fixed. The only thing I despise more than a mutt/mixed breed is pork. But I asked this qustion because I am definitely getting a Co/ Co's some day for my yard. However, for my purposes, the fila seems to also be up my alley. Thanks again. Bahamian
                  • Best of luck to you.
                    • bahamian...i so happen own both breeds and am 18yrs plus into the fila brasileiro breed and now owning my 1st co...there is a great deal of similarity yet difference...by no means am i a co expert but nontheless im exceptionally experienced which the co was my 1st candidate to live with but oppostions lead me astray and i chose the fila and never have i regretted this choice...now a co is in my life its a pup/dog consider all options which best suit ur purpose...regardless to breed standard a dog is a dog is a dog and tho these 2(two) breeds are unlike any other i ever have experienced beware what u read and i warn/caution u of trusting...individuality being the key :wink: im willing to assist/guide u as much as i can with rational discretion...by no means am i a know-it-all but my education alongside hands-on-experience is grattifying leaving allll options open for growth...feel free connect with me... 8)
                      • bahamian...btw...the only dumb/stupid questions are the ones which are NOT asked :D take what u like and leave the rest :wink:
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