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dogue refused to move and growled

If there is a sudden and abrupt universal change in response to commands and temperament, I would have her checked for pain. If her hips are bad, she will be reluctant to move and may respond grumpily due to pain. If not, never confront such a powerful dog head on, it is not wise. Forcing and roughness only teaches the dog that this is the way to communicate with you and yours. A leader should be firm, but not fully confrontational. Too many people misunderstand "dominance" which is a mistake that can be dangerous with a large grumpy dog. Practice the advise above with a matter of fact attitude, do not "square off" and do not be excessively rough.
Replies (12)
    • Yesterday while I was in work my dogue growled at my brother in law. My wifes brother was in my house visiting my wife and kids. (kids are 12years, 17months and 4months) Things were a bit hectic and my son was excited with his uncle in the house, so my wife decided that Juno (2yo neutered DDB bitch) be sent to bed until the toddler is calmed down. Juno's bed is off the kitchen in a small storeage room. Juno was laying on the kitchen floor so my wife gave the command ''bed'', normaly Juno gets up and heads into her bed, sometimes slowly and reluctantly but always into bed. But this time she point blank refused, so my wife gave the command again, no reaction. Next my wife gave her a light kick on the rear and said bed. She didnt move just turned and looked back up at my wife. Then my wife asked her brother to put the dog into bed. He took her by her collar and she sat up, he moved towards her bed pulling slightly on the collar. Juno turned her mouth to him and growled. He then forceably pulled on the collar and said BED, she then moved to bed with him still holding the lead. I do not know what to make of this. It is not as if he is a stranger to her. He visits regularly and only 3 weeks ago he stayed in my house looking after the dog while we were away on holiday. I'm also worried about the dogs lack of respect to my wifes command.She has also at times been slow to follow my commands What about my kids. The toddler is into everything now and the last thing I want is to bring him or anyone to hospital after the dog snapps and then dog to the vet to be PTS ! Any suggestions please on what is going on here ?
      • First of All you both are lucky You didn't get your brother in law Bit! IMO-A dog owner should Never have someone outside the home to correct one's dog. Better idea is to have your wife grab treat in a pleasant voice say come on Juno, she will then follow. Who feeds Juno? Who walks her currently? One thing your wife should be doing to help ensure the dog will listen is practise o.b. commands and break off small food rewards and make it a fun experience. I think your dog was like Wait...I'm sitting here...Doing Nothing and Now I'm Getting Sent to My Room....This Isn't Fair...And Now This guy is Grabbing Me??? Yeah, Right....Grrrrrrrrr....... You have a Mastiff this is common.
        • I am not a trainer nor animal behaviorist, it sounds like the dog doesn't respect your or your family, and is now testing you. How come your wife didn't finish what she started? Personally I would have made the dog go to bed. Instead of kicking the dog in the rear she should have grabbed her collar and escorted her to her bed. I think your wife needs to start working with the dog so the she understand her place in the household. NILF would be a useful tool to use at the moment. My dog (german mastiff) tests me sometimes as well. When I tell him to do something I expect him to do it. Even if he is reluctant. He understands that I make the rules and he has to obey. Hopefully someone more experienced can offer you more advice. Keep us updated on the situation.
          • If there is a sudden and abrupt universal change in response to commands and temperament, I would have her checked for pain. If her hips are bad, she will be reluctant to move and may respond grumpily due to pain. If not, never confront such a powerful dog head on, it is not wise. Forcing and roughness only teaches the dog that this is the way to communicate with you and yours. A leader should be firm, but not fully confrontational. Too many people misunderstand "dominance" which is a mistake that can be dangerous with a large grumpy dog. Practice the advise above with a matter of fact attitude, do not "square off" and do not be excessively rough.
            • excellent responses from everyone, I think the wife should finish out the command and not let someone else take over. In the dog's eyes she is loosing her rank by not following through. I believe using a treat is an excellent way to change the mood of the command from comfrontational to possitive. Hopefully when the dog is sent to the BED is not used a correction rather a positioning change. I know you should never punish the dog by crating it or making it go its bed, this will create a negative association with it. I also not a fan of hitting a dog, you don't want to create a fear bite situation or just a straight deffensive reaction.
              • Who does the dog look to for leadership? Is it you or your wife. The established leader may not be her and thought the dog will normally obey, when it is stimulated or stressed it may not. In those cases she should first call the dog to her - maybe give it a treat - and then follow up with the known command "bed".
                • [quote1281773004=babigirl] First of All you both are lucky You didn't get your brother in law Bit! IMO-A dog owner should Never have someone outside the home to correct one's dog.[/quote1281773004] Yes [quote1281773004=babigirl]Who feeds Juno? Who walks her currently? One thing your wife should be doing to help ensure the dog will listen is practise o.b. commands and break off small food rewards and make it a fun experience. I think your dog was like Wait...I'm sitting here...Doing Nothing and Now I'm Getting Sent to My Room....This Isn't Fair...And Now This guy is Grabbing Me??? Yeah, Right....Grrrrrrrrr....... You have a Mastiff this is common. [/quote1281773004] A big YES to that last sentiment :D
                  • Wow iam asumming that you have corrected this problem since you havent posted any more incidents.Iam never in favor of baiting a dog to get it to obey a command that it previous refused.Obvious your dog felt her place slipping in the chain. your brother in law correctly lead your dog by collar but that should of been your job.not harsh but in control,the treat might come after its in the crate but never to convince it to go.i like tuff dogs as the owner of a very alpha Fila i dont allow him to disobey my command , because i know he is testing me,and i dont really baby him i know he bites an i handle him as such.I dont ask him to do anything i tell him..do some reading pack leaders dont ask they demand ,disrespect is an animals way of getting back or moving up the chain.
                    • Yeah its been a while and sorry I probably should have update a bit sooner. Things have improved 110% My wife has re-established her ''Pack Rank'' above the dog and things are working out great. There have been no repeat incidents or similar shows of disrespect.Every command is obeyed. No treats are needed but are sometimes given as you say after the command is obeyed. My wife, teenage daughter and I practiced over a few weeks basic obidence commands with Juno and continue to do this daily but not as intense as before. I belive the problem is now behind us, and we are more aware and will not allow this situation to arrise again and continue to maintain the pack structure we have. I must say that Juno now seems to be very happy and content knowing where she lies in pack. Thanks all for your input and apoligies for not updating sooner.
                      • "continue to maintain the pack structure we have. I must say that Juno now seems to be very happy and content knowing where she lies in pack." Good to hear!
                        • Hi, To my opinion and speaking for dogs like CO, FILA, BOERBOEL, PRESSA (the real ones at least and not the “shows” mongrels) this reaction should be consider VERY POSITIVE. A well-bred DDB (speaking working wise of course and not for shows and this is the only way to breed well such dogs to my opinion) should not be consider far from the aforementioned breeds. People should understand and educate about guard dogs breeds before they get one and SHOULD NEVER own one if they consider only for a pet. They can choose from another breed. They have no right to contribute to destroy one, especially if they start to breed guard dogs for pets! A guard dog though can be trained or socialized in order to accept family friends tends and SHOULD display tolerance by any cost, ONLY to family members. The guard dog does not understand the term "brother in law" this is meaningful for us humans. In his eyes is a familiar to the family person which been "forced" to accept him. This does not entitles (and as a matter of fact you should not allow in first place) your brother in law to HUMILIATE the guard dog in such “brutal” way. Do not get me wrong try to see it through your guard dog's eyes. If your guard dog allow him to treat it this way what is the next step? To just barking in case that lets say (hypothetically of course) attacks your wife and his sister? This is not what a guard dog does and I hope you did not get such a dog for this purpose because it’s all wrong. This is what labrador does and there huge major distance in the between, a distance that someone should be aware for before choosing a dog. The decent guard dog OWES TO ITSELF, TO THE BREED AND TO THE ANCESTORS OF THE BREED, both dogs and humans that they are “responsible” for the creation of the breed, TO KEEP AN EYE on any visitor no matter brother, sister, relative or well known friend. OR IT IS A MEDIOCRE GUARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT JUST UNACCEPTABLE WHAT YOUR WIFE DID and all the way around it is an honour for the breed what your guard dog did, some people they spend lots of money to teach their guard dogs to degrade themselves as a lower member in hierarchy within ONLY AND STRICTLY speaking for the family and to express great dominance and aversion against anybody else. Should be consider a disaster for a guard dog to evaluate itself as lower than anybody else but its family and your brother in law BY A GREAT JUDGEMENT out of your dog he is placed exactly there where should be. Of course it is whole family’s responsibility to educate about guard dogs reactions and not to put in danger any innocent person. This is just my opinion and of course I do not claim to be right necessarily, every one has its own perspective after all. This is mine. Regards
                          • Here is my question. Why would anyone get a molosser and not arm themselves with education on how to properly bring one up? What is wrong with going together with your dog to school? These dogs can be viewed as potentially dangerous weapons, yet people will get them and not get educated on how to properly react and diffuse problems. Please take your dog to school. You'll thank yourself for it in spades later on down the road. I truly, truly, truly don't want to come over as forceful either, but some of these breeds are large, situations can easily get out of control and people or other animals can get hurt. Would it not be worth your while to do this for yourself?
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