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Hiya The old style TM's would be the Ausaubles, Ni a Sochevati, Sierra's, Farnemoor de serases and so on. It is my understanding that the first dogs in Taiwan were imported from the states. If you visit Chorten's Tibetan Mastiffs, they have a very comprehensive site with photos of the first dogs to come into the West years and years ago. Lola
Replies (6)
    • Hello friends, I have a few doubts which I would like to clear with the forum's help and discussion board. 1) Since authentic tibetan mastiffs are difficult to distinguish from one sthat have crossbred, it is vital we disntinguish between the various types.. For example, can anyone point out how to differentiate between the amdo mastiffs and the original tibetan molossers? 2) How does one differentiate between the old type tibetan mastiffs and the " new style" tibetan mastiffs... my understanding is the old style one are bred in taiwan and have a melancholy look, generally black in color, and are much longer than are taller..reaching around 30-33 inches at the withers...bloodshot conjunctivate showing and a wrinkly head and a beautiful mane... If members can fill the lacuna in my understanding, please help out... vidya :D
      • Hiya The old style TM's would be the Ausaubles, Ni a Sochevati, Sierra's, Farnemoor de serases and so on. It is my understanding that the first dogs in Taiwan were imported from the states. If you visit Chorten's Tibetan Mastiffs, they have a very comprehensive site with photos of the first dogs to come into the West years and years ago. Lola
        • Hi, I think that you have the two mixed up. the dogs you discribe as "my understanding is the old style one are bred in taiwan and have a melancholy look, generally black in color, and are much longer than are taller..reaching around 30-33 inches at the withers...bloodshot conjunctivate showing and a wrinkly head and a beautiful mane... " are the new style Tibetans. All the old pictures of early imported dog everywhere show dogs much closer to the dogs we now have in the Europe. Also the dogs from Taiwan are certainly much heavier and not dog that would be functional in the landscape that these dogs are supposed to originate.
          • Hi Lolawales, I agree with you thats what i was trying to get across in my earlier post. These huge wrinkly dogs from Taiwan i believe are the modern creation, made to satisfy modern fascination with size (same is happening with CO and CAO) were the ability to perform the task that dog dog was orginally used for have been forgotten. It funny cos these dogs are widely (and on this site) regarded as the real TM, when there is no evidence to support this. I think the dogs currently in the uk and europe are mostly real good quality (i have 1), but i think that it is only a matter of time before more mastiff blood is add to the TM lines.
            • Please all you guys ..........any TM in west is not pure. well may be not but most of the lines that are in west were the dogs imported from China (tibet) Nepal and India. I come form india and have seen many TM there. We have lot of sub types found in foothills of himalaya . In theory as the altitude in mountains increases more pure blood TM are found in the region for generations people bred pure TM with local shepherd dogs and mind you some these cross bred are as tall as 31 and have quit heavy wrinkles . Please note that wild TM are still found on higher altitudes in himalayas and they some time breed with local bitches . If still in doubt please visit http://www.tsangkhyitm.com/en/who_are.htm. Thanks
              • If you want to buy that good for you. Tsang Khyi means best dog. Not recreate the breed.
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