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Dry vs Raw? What dog food do you feed?

We also feed raw and have done so since 2001.  Basically for the last 15 years.  Our dogs are always very healthy and long lives.

Replies (5)
    • What are the real differences between raw and dry? Is there any food you can recommend to my new CAO puppy?

      • I feed  my dogs raw food. It's better and healthier for them. 

        • We also feed raw and have done so since 2001.  Basically for the last 15 years.  Our dogs are always very healthy and long lives.

          • We are raw feeders at our house.  Great skin & coats...great clean teeth.


              What are the real differences between raw and dry?

               To fully discuss this lets go back to this topic and get a good understanding of what BARF or Prey Model diet really is. There is a lot of good information from members who have been feeding Raw Diet for a long time and know what they are talking about. 

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