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Rage Syndrome, also known as Sudden Onset Aggression or (SOA) or Avalanche of Rage Syndrome, is a rare but serious behavioral problem that has been reported most commonly in the English Springer Spaniel but also in a variety of other dog breeds.

While I have not seen or experienced this personally I wanted to reply because I have found that it does affect the Bull Terrier.  Would be interesting to read what others think.

Replies (2)
    • Has anyone with experience owning an EBT witnessed SOA. I'm curious how prevalent it is within the breed?

      • Rage Syndrome, also known as Sudden Onset Aggression or (SOA) or Avalanche of Rage Syndrome, is a rare but serious behavioral problem that has been reported most commonly in the English Springer Spaniel but also in a variety of other dog breeds.

        While I have not seen or experienced this personally I wanted to reply because I have found that it does affect the Bull Terrier.  Would be interesting to read what others think.

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