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Feeding Pups and Dogs

In my experience of owning I’ve found/learned feeding to be an individual choice and being all differ I’ve done my homework with the listed ingredients and play it by each individuals stamina especially fecal...nonetheless some foods are better than others...why supplement if the food at hand is substantial...barf has been a winner with my pups/dogs for over 18years variety being good is fine but in order to perceive what good a particular food is doing for the pup/dog takes at least 6months so no need of switching until its deemed/calculated/diagnosed necessary and by all means do add something for variety to the kibble if this being what is fed ... I feed lots of seafood/fruits/veggies and on occasions treats but never dog treats which to say the least i try to avoid most all dog treats being its not healthy as well which is fantastic...observing my pup as it develops with a well balanced diet is the key without supplements ... I strongly suggest not overdo such(if at all) ... Like the many variety of dog foods same applies to/for supplements. I’m more than aware the predispositions of my 2 breeds and never in all my years of owning Filas have i ever encountered bloat(thank god) which being one of their enemies (allegedly) but then again any dog can bloat as well as become dysplastic ect.ect.ect...above all what works for one pup/dog may not work for another :wink:
Replies (1)
    • In my experience of owning I’ve found/learned feeding to be an individual choice and being all differ I’ve done my homework with the listed ingredients and play it by each individuals stamina especially fecal...nonetheless some foods are better than others...why supplement if the food at hand is substantial...barf has been a winner with my pups/dogs for over 18years variety being good is fine but in order to perceive what good a particular food is doing for the pup/dog takes at least 6months so no need of switching until its deemed/calculated/diagnosed necessary and by all means do add something for variety to the kibble if this being what is fed ... I feed lots of seafood/fruits/veggies and on occasions treats but never dog treats which to say the least i try to avoid most all dog treats being its not healthy as well which is fantastic...observing my pup as it develops with a well balanced diet is the key without supplements ... I strongly suggest not overdo such(if at all) ... Like the many variety of dog foods same applies to/for supplements. I’m more than aware the predispositions of my 2 breeds and never in all my years of owning Filas have i ever encountered bloat(thank god) which being one of their enemies (allegedly) but then again any dog can bloat as well as become dysplastic ect.ect.ect...above all what works for one pup/dog may not work for another :wink:
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