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Fencing Questions

Having a high energy Corso ourselves (though our current residence is privacy fenced) and having experience with E fencing I will try to list what I believe to be the good and bad about this fence. GOOD: 1. Cheapest solution for the area to enclose. This is great for as you are looking at, a temporary yet secure area without spending an arm and a leg. 2. It gives your dog 360 degree access (depending on wire underlayment of course) to your house and a natural freedom on property without inhibiting movement of persons, vehicles and other things in and out of the property. 3. This model has an alert if the ground wire signal is interrupted, and a light on the receiver for low batteries. 4 I did love the freedom it allowed (at the time, I had 2 acres to work with as well) to the dogs and the ability to keep them out of the garden and other areas. Bad: 1. Though inexpensive, there is a training process involved which depending on the dog, could be time consuming. So you do have to ask yourself, how valuable is your time? 2. Even with good fence and dog alert posting, you could have someone (delivery guy, meter reader, etc.) surprised by your "greeter." 3. Several critters believe that this wire is quite tasty. I had an immense time with voles, moles, and rabbits chewing through the wires occasionally. Since I used one of these a number of years ago, there was no warning, just a missing dog. I also had issues with the battery on the receiver on my ancient model, lol. Once I opened it to change the battery, the battery life seemed to be halved. This may just be the fact that it was just shy of 20 years ago, ugh. :S 4. My gun dogs (I have a Rott now, and would say the same about them) were fine, however, when I got my Chow, there was a different story, lol. Be aware that the shock field is not fool proof and it can also prevent your dog from coming home. She trained fine as she was a bright dog. However, being the killer she was, she would bolt the fence after some critters, and sometimes to chase a stray off of the property. When she did this, the field would also shock her on reentry, therefore her homing desire was not strong enough to bolt across the shock field to get back. She never left due to territorial guarding, but I could see it happening as well. She would systematically walk the perimeter checking for wire or collar failures, again, she was a very smart dog. Occasionally I found her romping in the back woods, usually returning covered in something or having a new prize (the dog had an affinity for skunks). She also surprised many delivery guys who were not allowed out of their trucks until I came out, lol. As far as a Corso, I would say it depends on the respect and drive levels the dog has. Ours I would say is very respectful and would stay for the most part, though her prey drive is bonkers and I believe she may be tempted to bolt with the right critter temptation. I hope this is helpful. Let me know if anything needs clarification.
Replies (4)
    • Okay so we have just moved into our new location that has a couple of acres that we are looking at fencing in for the dogs but are trying to decide the best options for fencing. I was planning on privacy fencing around the runs so that they can run in the fenced in area when we are home and when at work are in the runs. Friends of ours that have hunting labs and rotties have suggested we try an underground fence put out by PetSafe called the Stubborn Dog Fence (they know Hemi and her love for chasing anything that moves). I have attached a link to the actual specks for the underground fence so you can see what it is like. http://www.canadapets.com/Stubborn_Dog_Fence.htm http://www.petsafe.net/Products/Fencing/In-Ground-Fences/Stubborn-Dog-In-Ground-Fence.aspx I am contemplating an underground for a couple of reasons... 1. This is our in-between house ( we have a lot of 12 acres that we are planning on building on in a couple of years our dream house) 2. I don't want to only have my dogs feeling like they are contained in 4 walls, I want them to have the appearance of freedom (at least when we are home as that would be the only time they will be allowed out, whether underground or just fenced area.) So I guess I am asking if any of you have experience with this type of fencing and if it works for a higher energy corso. thanks in advance, Mary
      • Having a high energy Corso ourselves (though our current residence is privacy fenced) and having experience with E fencing I will try to list what I believe to be the good and bad about this fence. GOOD: 1. Cheapest solution for the area to enclose. This is great for as you are looking at, a temporary yet secure area without spending an arm and a leg. 2. It gives your dog 360 degree access (depending on wire underlayment of course) to your house and a natural freedom on property without inhibiting movement of persons, vehicles and other things in and out of the property. 3. This model has an alert if the ground wire signal is interrupted, and a light on the receiver for low batteries. 4 I did love the freedom it allowed (at the time, I had 2 acres to work with as well) to the dogs and the ability to keep them out of the garden and other areas. Bad: 1. Though inexpensive, there is a training process involved which depending on the dog, could be time consuming. So you do have to ask yourself, how valuable is your time? 2. Even with good fence and dog alert posting, you could have someone (delivery guy, meter reader, etc.) surprised by your "greeter." 3. Several critters believe that this wire is quite tasty. I had an immense time with voles, moles, and rabbits chewing through the wires occasionally. Since I used one of these a number of years ago, there was no warning, just a missing dog. I also had issues with the battery on the receiver on my ancient model, lol. Once I opened it to change the battery, the battery life seemed to be halved. This may just be the fact that it was just shy of 20 years ago, ugh. :S 4. My gun dogs (I have a Rott now, and would say the same about them) were fine, however, when I got my Chow, there was a different story, lol. Be aware that the shock field is not fool proof and it can also prevent your dog from coming home. She trained fine as she was a bright dog. However, being the killer she was, she would bolt the fence after some critters, and sometimes to chase a stray off of the property. When she did this, the field would also shock her on reentry, therefore her homing desire was not strong enough to bolt across the shock field to get back. She never left due to territorial guarding, but I could see it happening as well. She would systematically walk the perimeter checking for wire or collar failures, again, she was a very smart dog. Occasionally I found her romping in the back woods, usually returning covered in something or having a new prize (the dog had an affinity for skunks). She also surprised many delivery guys who were not allowed out of their trucks until I came out, lol. As far as a Corso, I would say it depends on the respect and drive levels the dog has. Ours I would say is very respectful and would stay for the most part, though her prey drive is bonkers and I believe she may be tempted to bolt with the right critter temptation. I hope this is helpful. Let me know if anything needs clarification.
        • I would never trust the invisible fences, especially with big dogs. My neighbour has a small dog and the fence works not too bad, but it's frequently not working. I've seen the dog walk through many times. Also with country properties, there's often dogs at large. With my Tosas, that could spell trouble if a dog wandered into my yard. If I were to fence my yard, I would look at at least 5' chain link with some sort of wiring on top to prevent jumping over. My boy can scale a 6' jump fairly easily, so a CC can surely do that.
          • Have you considered an above ground electric fence? The kind with posts and visible ribbon. We have this to keep the house dogs in the backyard. Usually you only really need to have it on for a little while until they get zapped a time or two, and then they don't try it again. I have dogs that range from 10 yrs to 3 yrs, and they respect the fence. We have it set up so that I can open a section like a gate and go out with them if I want to. YOu can also redesign the area contained if needed. Best of all, since there is a visible ribbon for both dogs and visitors to see, everyone knows their boundaries. A Cane Corso breeder had this set up, and showed it to me. You can get the materials, including the box, at most local farming supply type stores.
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