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Fila Brasileiro Cane corso cross

Hi Winston,

I have seen a few of these crosses and they are impressive. I may still have some photos on the old gallery at http://molosserdogs.com/gallery

What you intent to create is a very athletic human hating animal. That should do the trick of guarding you property if you don't intent to have strangers visiting.

Replies (7)
    • Has anyone ever crossed or know someone that crossed a Fila with a Cane Corso? If so, how did the look and what was their temperament. I recently purchased 4 acres outside of town to build a home on. I have a Cane and an American Bandogge but I'm am very intrigued by qualities in the Fila. I'm considering buying one to either cross with my Cane or my Bandogge. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

      • Hi Winston,

        I have seen a few of these crosses and they are impressive. I may still have some photos on the old gallery at http://molosserdogs.com/gallery

        What you intent to create is a very athletic human hating animal. That should do the trick of guarding you property if you don't intent to have strangers visiting.

        • There are/were other select few mixing Fila with game pit bulls. The outcome was an even more intense dog than the Fila due to strong qualities of both dogs and hybrid vigor. The outcome in terms of type some of the first generation litter looked exactly like a Fila and some looked like a taller and heavier pit bull. I'd imagine the best qualities of the Cane Corso and Fila in your breeding would create a very athletic with strong ojeriza toward strangers.




            The outcome was an even more intense dog than the Fila due to strong qualities of both dogs and hybrid vigor

             There is always that problem or result whenever we embark on a cross of to such powerful dogs. It is difficult to say which traits will be heightened and which will not. Some of it has to do with dominant or regressive genes, environment and training but it is usually a crap shoot as you can never be sure of the result.

            With enough space you can do your own experiment and validate your results.

            • I found a litter of pups that are working dogs used in boar hunting. The guy actually invited me out to his place this coming weekend to show me them in a pen, training. Depending on I what I see I may purchase 1. 

              • All rights reserved to Redcapo's Kennel, Gary Sicard and Molosserdogs.com




                • Very nice working dogs

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