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I fixed my coonhound at one year and he was a scrawny 75lbs and he kept filling out. Hes now a fullgrown 90lbs. 15lbs over his standard. Im sure he would be as big as genetics allow him to be.
Replies (8)
    • Hi. this is MM's girlfriend and I'm wondering if anyone knows if we decide on a male puppy, will getting him fixed as soon as it is safe to do so affect his growth? I have heard yes and no to this question and am wondering if anyone has experience with that.? Thanks, Steph
      • I fixed my coonhound at one year and he was a scrawny 75lbs and he kept filling out. Hes now a fullgrown 90lbs. 15lbs over his standard. Im sure he would be as big as genetics allow him to be.
        • pardon my ignorance, but what is a Coonhound? MM.
          • thats ok... check out the treeing walker coonhound in the encyclopedia scroll down to the bottom of the page on your left side youll see it
            • Greetings Steph and MM You are likely to get a myriad of answers to your question! What breed are you considering? What do you plan to do with the animal? Other dogs in your household? A member recently posted an article on the front page about the results of a recent study at Colorado State University suggesting that early neutering may be a risk factor for developing excessive tibial plateau angle (TPA) in large-breed dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Here is some more info...this article has been referenced in the past: http://www.caninesports.com/SpayNeuter.html Good luck.
              • Thanks for the info. The dog will be a Cane Corso, a male, no other animals in the house and he will be a pet and companion for the most part. Our breeder has told us that they have neutered dogs as young as 8 weeks and it has never affected their development. I have also read this from Rottweiler breeders and a few others as well. Anyone on here have any experience or opinions on this? MM.
                • I found this. Long-Term Health Risks and Benefits Associated with Spay / Neuter in Dogs http://www.naiaonline.org/pdfs/LongTermHealthEffectsOfSpayNeuterInDogs.pdf
                  • I might have missed something here, but just a question. why do you want to have him fixed?
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