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Girl with Bone, Mass and Temperament

Compliments! Nice female.
Replies (19)
    • The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated.
      • The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated.
        • The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated.
          • Compliments! Nice female.
            • Lovely head! She is a pretty girl.
              • Wonderful Dog, u are very lucky .
                • :D o wow fantazzztiq she izzzz :D :!: lovit :D
                  • I see the mass and bone...where's the temperament pics?
                    • Very pretty girl!!! :D
                      • Presadam; Next time your in NC give a call, you can try your luck (do you have good health insurance?). People that know her know her temperament is what a Neo should always be. OB1; It was nice to meet you at the Nationals. Great photos too. She is a very special girl and her sister is a little bit better! How was the basket, we hope you enjoyed it! Kat
                        • Hi Kathy, are you having problems with the site? I deleted two duplicate posts.
                          • Yeah, OK. :roll:
                            • Gary; When posting an error messages occurs. Then locks up the site. The emoticons are not crisp and it takes a loooong time to load now. Presadam; The owner of the neo in the photo, JaxBirchmuck, who posted the picture no longer posts here.
                              • [quote="Katwoman"]Presadam; [....] you can try your luck (do you have good health insurance?). People that know her know her temperament is what a Neo should always be.[/quote] I am sure Presadam only wondered how to see the temperament in these pictures.. No need to get offended.. :wink:
                                • [quote=Katwoman]Gary, When posting an error messages occurs. Then locks up the site.[/quote] Ah - if the error says something like this [code:1]Failed sending email :: PHP :: DEBUG MODE Line : 237 File : emailer.php[/code:1] it is trying to send and email to the username jaxbirchmuk and it is no longer on the system. If that happens just go back to the forum and you will find the post is there. I also get an email telling me about the problem. Site loading slow - yes sometimes thathappens unfortunately but since MD is not hosted on a dedicated server anymore (too expensive) there is not much I can do about it. It works quite well for me on my cable modem and DSL most of the time. Emoticons look good to me. Anyone else having issues - please pm me or post on the [url=http://support.molosserdogs.com] support site.[/url]
                                  • Gary, I have gotten those too - the errors. Also in another thread. Though I cannot remember which one. Does the system only send them when it has failed on sending e-mails?
                                    • Nice, solid, and substantial female. Maybe we should ask Presadam if fat ass Presadog could test the dog's temperament by hogging the dog food dish. You know, testing it for food drive...
                                      • I'll thank you to keep your lascivious thoughts about PresaDog's ass to yourself please :!: Look, If you post a subject saying a dog has bone, mass and temperment, and post only 2 pics which show the dog standing still (i.e Show posing) I think it's only normal to ask where the pics showing the "temperment" are? We get slaughtered in the presa breed for talking about temperement without either title, pics of video to back it up. Otherwise it's all "say so" Sorry if your panties got in a defensive twist.s
                                        • [quote=Katwoman]Presadam; OB1; It was nice to meet you at the Nationals. Great photos too. She is a very special girl and her sister is a little bit better! How was the basket, we hope you enjoyed it! Kat[/quote] The pleasure was all mine and the basket you guys donated was a treasure!!! Well done and my warmest regards to Jonathan!!!
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