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Golden Eagles Vs Wolves

This subspecies, the Tibetan Wolf rarely exceeds 45kg in size. Most average around 30-35kgs. I would also imagine a more difficult time with a larger adversary.
Replies (9)
    • I wonder what LGD owners have to say about this. [youtube]cy9UlIwMHb4[/youtube] [youtube]aEnSPYsiikY[/youtube]
      • Cool video, impressive what people can do with poultry, absolutely fascinating. However, it appeared a bit staged and edited. I'd wonder what footage I might have seen after 1:07. Also, this was a tiny, probably young, female looking "wolf" that looked very lost and most certainly nowhere near 120lbs. Birds of prey snatch puppies and smallish dogs from backyards every day, no shocker really. I doubt the eagles could have performed equally successful with a 140lb matured wolf. Somehow drive-through chicken nuggets comes to mind. Bottomline, impressive video yes, but I wouldn't draw any conclusions from this. Dan
        • I wonder what Mastiff owners have to say about that(?) hugo
          • This subspecies, the Tibetan Wolf rarely exceeds 45kg in size. Most average around 30-35kgs. I would also imagine a more difficult time with a larger adversary.
            • I watched this originally on "Nat Geo Wild" these clips are off a 2 hour documentary... I thought while watching it that this life was as natural as it got. Nothing was wasted...Very spiritual humble people. I must say having seen the entire thing it seemed very real to me. To put it in perspective the wolves in the video were about the size of coyotes on steriods. But either way, BAD A.SS BIRDS!
              • A couple years ago, I saw the show "Balapan, wings of the Altai" on Nat Geo i think. Female goldens are big birdies, and apparently those very long needle sharp talons can crush with a force of about 400psi. They only use their beaks for eating though, not for defense or killing. Bit of a waste of such a fine mouthpiece. Can't see big doggies catching up with a wiry little wolf....
                • Its about the 99 lb Sarplaninac male that I would be concerned about....getting killed by a Golden Eagle.
                  • Hey, anything is possible. If that eagle got a dog in the skull, or spine, could be serious...
                    • this video has been posted before
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