Great predator dog links!!!
Hey boom have any time for a hunt with dogs?
My wife has given me the ok for a family road trip!
- · boomslang
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My Favorite type of Dogs!!!!!!!! Enjoy and learn what REAL performance dogs are and should be! Wicked B&T's Plotts!!! My personal Favorites!!!!!! Redbones, a close second!!! -
- · Estrela
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I loved looking at these,,,there is just something about a hound! Thanks for sharing! The pics were awesome, Best Regards Cindy@TE -
- · boomslang
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Well stated Cindy. I like that, there really is just something about a hound. I call it "primitive simplicity" :D :D :D :D -
- · unknown
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Hey boom have any time for a hunt with dogs? My wife has given me the ok for a family road trip! -
- · unknown
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Mix them black and tans with walker and you'll have a fleeter of foot faster trailing dog. They're probably not as good on a cold trail though.