Hunting with Pandikonas
That dog in front look like he's about to throw-up a rabbit leg.
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These dogs suits for all u r need acts as live stock gaurdian as well as excellent hunters
we were out for some thing big but we got this
local hunters wid their traditional weapons.They hunt wid dogs and this spears (NO GUNS)
dogs cooling down after intense search
This is the terrain on which they are going to hunt.These dogs just climb these hills within minutes
- · flup
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Nice looking dogs. Are they normally red/ white because there seemed to be a black dog among them. That red bitch in picture 4 was very fit looking. -
- · unknown
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Great pictures. Pandikona's are very nice and good to see what authentic hunting spears look like. Interesting. -
- · unknown
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The spears are they hunting Boar? If these dogs find larger game do they BAY(bark & hold) or do they CATCH (grab the game by the neck or leg)? In the States we use dogs that Bay & Catch, the boar are killed with a knife. Guns are seldom use here with dogs as the dog's saftey is a concern. If the hunt is for Mtn. Lion or Black bear then a gun or Bow & Arrow are used. -
- · unknown
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[quote1244647650=VENKAT][/quote1244647650] Note the dog right in front of the guy... [quote1244647628=yajnesh] ... the bull terrier is almost exclusively used by people involved in dog fighting. So breeding these dogs to "pariah" dogs is ridiculous... [/quote1244647628] ...or would this be classified as a "lattar" dog?
- · yajnesh
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[quote1244649611=Xamen13] [quote1244647650=VENKAT][/quote1244647650] Note the dog right in front of the guy... [quote1244647628=yajnesh] ... the bull terrier is almost exclusively used by people involved in dog fighting. So breeding these dogs to "pariah" dogs is ridiculous... [/quote1244647628] ...or would this be classified as a "lattar" dog?
[/quote1244649611] Absolutely! These are aboriginal dogs in an extremely remote area with no outside influence of other breeds.If you are looking at the pic with the dog barking and think it resembles a bull terrier I can only LOL
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[quote1244656205=yajnesh] I can only LOL [/quote1244656205] Right back at ya. You're right. There's absolutely nothing about that dog that hints at anything else... -
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Venkat, Thanks for posting. Unique and interesting breed. Nice pictures of the dogs, terrain and weapons used. On the the first picture I like the dog on the right. -
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That dog in front look like he's about to throw-up a rabbit leg. -
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@tamazigh thanks @ platz These dogs usually do the both tracking and catching. once dogs found the boar they just catch the boars ears from both sides.when the boar is busy tackling the dogs. villagers just drive their spears as deep as possible and run away. since there was numerous cases where boar had attacked lot of hunters even after the spear driven into them gradually boar comes this the practise over there. @ABBB the dog at the top is usaully used as live stock gaurdian and excellent at hunting boars. @yajnesh thanks -
- · bright
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excellent dogs!! what all predators prey on the livestock there? i think monkeys and boars are a major threat to farms n livestock.. right? -
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[quote1244835334=Platz] That dog in front look like he's about to throw-up a rabbit leg. [/quote1244835334] LMAO-I was totally thinking the same thing!!! -
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Awesome pics. Thanks. I am really digging the look of the spears. -
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@ Arun wolves are major threats to their livestock.but they say we can find panthers also.but i am not sure about it. As usually boars destroys their farms.monkeys are not a big problem @ BossofBoss thanks.i will try to get some better pics after my next visit -
- · bright
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does the dog confronts the predators like panthers n wolves physically or do they alert the owners so that they can deal with them with their lethal spears ?! -
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i dont think these can physically confront wolves These dogs basically keep them the rest is taken care by hunters wid spears. -
- · bright
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hey! if they confront hogs physically, they should be having enough power to subdue wolves too! when they work in packs that is.. from what i heard, 5 pariahs killed a leopard in tirunelveli.. i guess 3 or 4 dogs died and one survived.. that means they are tough dogs! i think pandikonnas should be tougher as they are often given very challenging jobs and missions to carry out! and they'll be on duty 24 x 7.. either as hunting dog s or guard dogs or LGDs! and i think villagers test each n every puppy very harshly and cull the weak ones ,, (i heard it from someone.. please correct me if i am wrong) as i have seen, these type of dogs are extremely powerful and foolhardy if they are raised by humans at homes! but i am impressed by their versatility! -
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[blockquote] if they confront hogs physically, they should be having enough power to subdue wolves too! when they work in packs that is.. [/blockquote] As of my experience wid this dogs i wil say these dogs rely on agility,endurance and co ordination rather than on power.since they work in packs they are formidable force, even though they need the masters to finish off the things. since wolves also mostly move as packs they are tought customers to deal wid [blockquote]i think pandikonnas should be tougher as they are often given very challenging jobs and missions to carry out! and they'll be on duty 24 x 7.. either as hunting dog s or guard dogs or LGDs! and[/blockquote] These are all purpose dogs [blockquote] i think villagers test each n every puppy very harshly and cull the weak ones ,, (i heard it from someone.. please correct me if i am wrong) [/blockquote] i am trying to confirm this practices.i will let u know once its done -
- · jogeol
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VENAKTA RAMANA!. my name is jo, I tried many times to contact with you my email add "" return by your email as soon as possible. awaitng you reply.. regards jo -
- · unknown
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interesting post...i like the spears as well. -
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Hi Flup, I have put all my videos online. I have seen few good rajapalayams in that place. but couldn't manage to get some videos becoz people over there believe taking photo of there dogs is bad omen for dogs and them so too. Regards Venkat -
- · flup
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@ babigirl Wot he ^ said. @ Venkat. Shame. Nice looking dogs. Where were you? Tamil Nadu? I was thinking of going over to the dog breeding unit in Chennai to take a look at some. Are they catch or bay dogs? Here Venkat is this [link=]your new website[/link] -
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[blockquote] Shame.[/blockquote] what for?? [blockquote]Where were you? Tamil Nadu?[/blockquote] No i am in Bangalore (karnataka) [blockquote]I was thinking of going over to the dog breeding unit in Chennai to take a look at some. Are they catch or bay dogs? [/blockquote] Nice.Rajapalayam dogs are used for hunting wild boars in past.Right now no dogs were used aganist boars since those dogs were too costly for villagers to loose aganist wild boars.I think these dogs server the both the fucntions.since i havent seen them in action Chippiparai's are used for hares .i heared tha they will do better for deers too.. [blockquote]Here Venkat is this your new website[/blockquote] No this site was maintained by my friend Mr.Deepesh Joshi Regards Venkat -
- · flup
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[quote1251962943=VENKAT] [blockquote] [blockquote]Shame.[/blockquote] what for??[/blockquote][/quote1251962943] That they didn't allow you to video the dogs. It's difficult to find good vids of Rajapalayams. [quote1251962943=VENKAT] [blockquote]Nice... I think these dogs server the both the fucntions. since i havent seen them in action... Right now no dogs were used aganist boars since those dogs were too costly for villagers to loose aganist wild boars.[/blockquote][/quote1251962943] Now that would be an interesting series of videos. Rajapalayam vs the wild boar. [quote1251962943=VENKAT] [blockquote]Chippiparai's are used for hares .i heared tha they will do better for deers too..[/blockquote][/quote1251962943] Yeah, they look very large. [quote1251962943=VENKAT] [blockquote] No this site was maintained by my friend Mr.Deepesh Joshi[/blockquote][/quote1251962943] Well, thank him for making it. A worthwhile endeavor. All the best Venkat. -
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[blockquote] That they didn't allow you to video the dogs. It's difficult to find good vids of Rajapalayams.[/blockquote] People over there feels its bad omen for dogs,so people don't allow you to take pictures and we should respect there beliefs. [blockquote]Now that would be an interesting series of videos. Rajapalayam vs the wild boar.[/blockquote] I would love to see.but now i don't think so it will happen.since dogs are becoming way too villagers don't want to loose there dogs for wild boars [blockquote]Well, thank him for making it. A worthwhile endeavor.[/blockquote] Ya sure i will do it -
- · reddy_ramu77
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Thease dogs are real tough dogs. The dogs that go out for hearding the Sheeps and Goats are real tough. They never allow even a rat coming near to the heard. There dogs are fed with only rice and goat milk. Feeding these dogs with nonveg regularly will make them very very strong. There is no medication done for any of the dogs. No dewarming no vacnination nothing. Natural dogs with natural strength with no diseases. There dogs live on average 12 to 14 years in any harsh climates with minimal maintenance. Best part of the dogs is they hunt in packs and pack has a leader which is not seen in any of the dog breeds hunting with a pack leader taking charge and allerting the pack when danger or when they see pray. I am very proud to say that there dogs are from my place. -
- · reddy_ramu77
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I have been to Pandikona last weak to get a nice pup but was unlucky there were no good pups available. Told some of our contacts to get them in touch and reserve a nice pup. They told me to come after 3-4 months :) -
- · reddy_ramu77
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[quote1336136716=Gamebred] Do these dogs hunt by scent or sight? [/quote1336136716] Both ways they hunt -
- · reddy_ramu77
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Pandikona Dogs
- · Castanha
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Very interesting breed of dog indeed and I never heard of them before. Always nice to learn something new
- · reddy_ramu77
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My recent visit to Pandikona village