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I don't usually do this but...

Any news on this boy? Do you have a list of commands he understands? Is he intact?
Replies (7)
    • I don't usually do this, but... Fonzi is a 4 yr old brindle male. I don't know his lines, or his breeder at this point. This is a bit of a long shot due to the short time frame they gave us, but we can't take him in due to the training he's had. He has until FRIDAY MAY 26,2009 before he lands in the SPCA Quote: Fonzi is a trained guard dog in dutch as he has gotten older we have had him for three years he has calmed down in his energy level, he can interact with all types of dogs however he likes being inside more than outside he is like a big baby and when he feels comfortable he will actually try to sit on your lap although that is diffcult unless you are used to holding a 135 pd baby on your lap, we have to move and the location we are moving too will not allow us to take him with us, I do not want to have to have him taken to spca as I know they will put himn down but I have no choice but to find him a new home and quickly he loves children plays with my grandson and gradndaughter but takes a little while to warm up to new people If you are interested in Fonzi, please email Patricia at dawn@capitalservices.net, or call 202-409-2998. He is in Hagerstown Maryland, and they do not think they can ship, so placement must be driveable
        • Any news on this boy? Do you have a list of commands he understands? Is he intact?
          • That's the other reason that I don't uually do this. Yes he is intact. However, I wouldn't expect any papers with him, or any idea of his lines. I believe her brother was a trainer, and did his training. Then they eventually came to live with her, as pets, so training is probably rusty. But it's the possible potential that it's there that poses a problem for me, and for her. I received the pics from her overnight, but have not heard anything today. I think she found someplace for the neo she was trying to place.
            • Fonzi has a new family and warming up just great
              • Very good. I am glad he was found a home.
                • snook- Do you know for sure he is in a home? There is still a listing for a Fonzi in a MD shelter on petfinder, is why I'm asking.
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