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illegitimate crossing?

[quote=Astibus]Please forgive my naivitee for asking, but what do you think would be the result of crossing a pure Mastino Napoletano and an italian Cane Corso? Honestly don't mean to offend anyone, I'd just like to know what Neo fanciers (or anyone) think about that combination. Thanks, Dan[/quote] I think theres a lot of MN in the corso already... so the result should be somewhere in between the physical working ability of the corso and the size and strength of the MN ?? :?
Replies (16)
    • Please forgive my naivitee for asking, but what do you think would be the result of crossing a pure Mastino Napoletano and an italian Cane Corso? Honestly don't mean to offend anyone, I'd just like to know what Neo fanciers (or anyone) think about that combination. Thanks, Dan
      • [quote=Astibus]Please forgive my naivitee for asking, but what do you think would be the result of crossing a pure Mastino Napoletano and an italian Cane Corso? Honestly don't mean to offend anyone, I'd just like to know what Neo fanciers (or anyone) think about that combination. Thanks, Dan[/quote] I think theres a lot of MN in the corso already... so the result should be somewhere in between the physical working ability of the corso and the size and strength of the MN ?? :?
        • I think that if you are looking to introduce fresh blood into the Neo , a well bred CC is much better than OEM, DDB , etc.
          • I agree with everyone above, the cc already has a good amount of neo in it but would make a more ideal cross into a neo, phenotype wise and genetically they match up.
            • Would this be considered a line crossing because of the genetic relationship? You could reasonably expect, as opposed in a true outcross, that you would get less phenotype variation across the litter.
              • It would improve the overall health and athletisism of the neo,also would be more of a throw back to the dogs of the early 1900s..Id say a cc,presa or american bandogge mastiff would work very well..would be ideal for resurecting the old type working neo....also a possable canidate for man work,weight pull etc...
                • the corso is part neo in most cases its the italian bandog crossed into dogo,presa,dane,pit boxer rottie maremma its a real hienz 57 cross ,
                  • I agree will have a very functional dog more similar to the old neo, also because from the same group. Don't forget that we have that already that kind of cross and they say is 100% pure Neo.... many pedigree are false.... 2+ 2 = 4 Ciao
                    • This is just a guess but I'd say that you'd end up with a healthier,longer lived,better looking,much more capable dog than a Neo.
                      • Depends on the two dogs actually crossed.. however, if it is the typical Neo and typical Cane Corso - you probably would not see much variation in the offsprings. My guess is that they would look like nice bandogs.
                        • It would be just another mutt,,,yay! FYI: Mastinari in Italy have no use for Corsi and they do not think highly of them. The common term Mastinari use for Cane Corso is "il bastardo senza valore." Translated the worthless bastard.
                          • [quote="BCofJurai"]It would be just another mutt,,,yay! FYI: Mastinari in Italy have no use for Corsi and they do not think highly of them. The common term Mastinari use for Cane Corso is "il bastardo senza valore." Translated the worthless bastard.[/quote] You seem to know alot about Mastinari and Mastini how many times have you been to Italy and which mastinari did you talk with and which Mastini and kennels did you get to see Thank Phil
                            • [quote="MastinoManiac"][quote="BCofJurai"]It would be just another mutt,,,yay! FYI: Mastinari in Italy have no use for Corsi and they do not think highly of them. The common term Mastinari use for Cane Corso is "il bastardo senza valore." Translated the worthless bastard.[/quote] You seem to know alot about Mastinari and Mastini how many times have you been to Italy and which mastinari did you talk with and which Mastini and kennels did you get to see Thank Phil[/quote]
                              • [quote="BCofJurai"]It would be just another mutt,,,yay! FYI: Mastinari in Italy have no use for Corsi and they do not think highly of them. The common term Mastinari use for Cane Corso is "il bastardo senza valore." Translated the worthless bastard.[/quote]thats funny bro,the corso has the same nick/name as you........ post from cane 76
                                • [quote="MastinoManiac"][quote="BCofJurai"]It would be just another mutt,,,yay! FYI: Mastinari in Italy have no use for Corsi and they do not think highly of them. The common term Mastinari use for Cane Corso is "il bastardo senza valore." Translated the worthless bastard.[/quote] You seem to know alot about Mastinari and Mastini how many times have you been to Italy and which mastinari did you talk with and which Mastini and kennels did you get to see Thank Phil[/quote] I spent six months in Italy. From Naples to Palermo. I visited many Mastinari as well as fanciers of the Maremma and Cirneco that was the main dog I was interested in at the time. I was mainly interested in the Della Grotta Azzurra line of Neo's and I spent most of my time with breeders with those lines. In the Cone Corso most of my time was spent with Appie and Dr.Corini.
                                  • [quote="athena1"][quote="BCofJurai"]It would be just another mutt,,,yay! FYI: Mastinari in Italy have no use for Corsi and they do not think highly of them. The common term Mastinari use for Cane Corso is "il bastardo senza valore." Translated the worthless bastard.[/quote]thats funny bro,the corso has the same nick/name as you........ post from cane 76[/quote] :roll: :roll: zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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