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Importing Kangal (Rules)?

I dont know why, but it is true! You can buy them in Holland and Belgium!
Replies (52)
    • [quote=desiree]because they are here doesnt mean it goes by a legal way,isnt it? They robb a banc too doesnt mean its legal :D :D :D[/quote] :D Yes... It's not logic Desiree, they also say "Exporting Kangal out the Sivas Province is illegal :?: Strange, they dont now how to handle and control. What would they do when a customs duty officer asked the owner from the pup if its a kangal? What would they do if the owner say "no its a mix? they cant see it :) . This happens.
      • well i was reading in the other topic taht they stole a sheap and put it in the car and find out it was a co so i bet they have no idea :D :D :D Weird world
        • [quote=desiree]well i was reading in the other topic taht they stole a sheap and put it in the car and find out it was a co so i bet they have no idea :D :D :D Weird world[/quote] :lol: :lol: Als we een klein chirurgische ingreep zouden laten doen bij een volwassen kangal kan het heel makkelijke geexporteerd worden. Zoals bijvoorbeeld de oren strak naar boven trekken :) dan denken ze bij de douane dat het een soort Duitse herder is maar dan in een andere kleur :)
          • zoals een extra grote mechelaar lol.
            • [quote=desiree]zoals een extra grote mechelaar lol.[/quote] Nee geen Belg alstublieft :D :lol: Laten we de geimporteerde kangal integreren in Nederland.. :) Cursus Hollands blaffen..Dan wordt het een extra grote Keeshond. En nog een Geert Wilders pruikje op dan heb je echt een supergeintegreerde Kangalkeesje.. :lol:
              • het mag geen belg zijn maar wel een duitser??? :D :D :D :D aks ik een kangal zou willen zou het toch the mastif soort zijn maar dat is nu niet belangryk.Voorlopig heb ik een rus in huis hahahaha Groetjes Des
                • [quote=desiree]het mag geen belg zijn maar wel een duitser??? :D :D :D :D aks ik een kangal zou willen zou het toch the mastif soort zijn maar dat is nu niet belangryk.Voorlopig heb ik een rus in huis hahahaha Groetjes Des[/quote] :lol: Als je eens toch een extra hond wil nemen en je gaat het liefst voor de Turkse Mastif type?. Dan zou ik goed navragen en checken, zover ik weet wordt je er in Turkije bij wijze van spreken mee doodgegooit. Hoe groter groffer deste mooier en veel geld verdienen. Er wordt vaak niet gekeken of het HD heeft of inteelt of wat dan ook...als er maar wordt gefokt en verkocht... :) :wink:
                  • Dear friends it is illegal to take kangals out of Turkey bet people keep taking them out illegally. This decision was made by the Ministry of Agriculture because they do not know the exct numbers and think they are in danger of extinction. Turkish Kennel Club is working on changing this and in very near future this will cahange because there are many dogs going out of the country uncontrolled.Many of them are mixes and this is not good for the represantation of the breed. Also district goverment of Sivas region made it illegal to take dogs out of the province which is complately nonsence. In the first week of May we will have meetings in Dortmund to found the International Kangal Dog Club.This club will work with the Turkish Kennel Club.Best wishes to all our friends.Onur.
                    • you can get a kangal from turkey, legally. You can even get it from the state Kangal farms, no problem what so ever. from the state farms, expect some month of waitingtime. From a private breeder, you can buy it right away, if you can convince him, that you can give the Kangal a perfect Kangal life. Wich is quite demanding, because the Kangal like his freedom Its not illegal, its only controlled..
                      • Dear friend, you can buy a puppy from wherewer you like but it is forbidden to take any Turkish breed of dogs out of the country. I live here and work on this.I think I know the rules and regulations.Although it is not controlled in Sivas region it is not legal to take a puppy even out of this region without a permission. Lets assume you took the puppy.When you go to the customs if they understand that you have a kangal puppy they will not let you take it out of the country.
                        • Onur.. I dont want to be disrespecfull, but I got a kangal 3 days ago out of turkey, without any problems. He have a passport and everything. Comstum officers even pet him and told about the kagals they know
                          • Well, you were lucky then. Did you fly?What was written in his or her papers? I believe you but I know the rules for sure.May be that particular custom officer did not mind or did not know the rule. I am not against kangals going out of the country.I am glad that you were able to get it out.There are many friends who would like to get them.I am sure that every true bred kangal going out of the country will help to get the recognition of the kangals by the FCI.Best wishes.Onur.
                            • I will check this issue out with the ministry of agriculture tomorrow and find out if they have changed the rules recently but I do not think they did. As a result of our efforts they were working on this issue.
                              • it was my brother who was flying with him.and papers said kangal.. When I googled on kangal, I found one of the stetefarms homepages. there is was possible to buy a kangal out of turkey, but with some waitingtime.. since your from turkey.. cant you give me some tip on how to raise a kangal puppy?? (especially the training/mental part)
                                • Dear Susen, I saw the picture of your pup and the pictures of the so called parents which were fake. I am sorry to say but that puppy is not a pure bred kangal.Without a black mask.Muzzle is also too pointed. A person who send you pictures that he found on the internet can very well find a way to get the pup out of the country.I am sure he arranged two pasports one with a kangal name on it and one mixture. I hope the puppy will have a good life with you and you will enjoy being his friend. I am saying again that unfortunatly it is not legal to take pure bred Kangals out of the country .It is a shame but true.Best wishes.
                                  • onur.. it was my brother who was in turkey and took the puppy, so there was only one passport. Lets se what the puppy will grow up to become. Yes he have a white markening in the face, wich is not typical, but I have seen so may photos, of grown up kangals that dosent have the typical mastiff like head eighter, but more pointy faces. The puppy was, in a very bad food condition when we got him. Maybe a good diet, will change his apperance after a while. If you look at his front legs, you can se this typical swollowing around his joints, that comes from the lack off A;C;D;E vitamine. He is not from a fancy breeding, but the simple farmers kangal puppy. the father is a rescue from a fight, who was left to die, and the mother was from the local willage. His double fur, moovements and reaction is very typical. maby he is just no beautyqueen and that is allso not important. My interest in this puppy, is the mentality, and how he can work. This dog is not acting like any other breed, I have ever been cloose to. He even mooves different. He makes these funny tacklings with the back part of his body, when he play, and he is more dominant than any puppy, I have ever seen before. And he is amazingly brave allready. Try to enter the house as a stranger, and this little man will stand in the middle off the dor, and try to growl you away. Go towords him, and he will not back off, but continue. When the fox enters our proberty, this little fellow will chace him away imiddialy. the fox is 10 times bigger than him. Not even a corso pup in that age, would do that. and he is soo fast, when he mooves, like a cat In my own breed (cane corso), I have seen so many pedigree dogs in sweden, that didnt look like cane corso at all. wrong body, wrong head and so much white. All things that is not typical for the breed, according to the standart, and things you would never se, outside of skandinavia. But they are pure breed dogs, going to shows. If the kangal cant leave turkey, how can there be kangal breeders, all over the world? anyway.. pure or not pure, this dog is different in all ways, and will be so interesting to study, as he grow up
                                    • [quote=Charlotte]I am very interested in the Kangal breed and maybe, sometime in the future I would be interested in bringing one home from Turkey. I know that several people in Denmark own this breed. Though I have heard that it is illigal to import the Kangal from Turkey to Denmark - Possibly because it is a national and rare breed of dog, but I am not sure - Is it true - If so, why?[/quote] May be it's a nederland breeder, may be that site will to interest you, but I don't know if it's the kind of dog that you want for you futur breeding ! regards ! this is the links : http://fr.youtube.com/user/kangaldogs http://kangaldogs.nl/index.php
                                      • [blockquote]I am very interested in the Kangal breed and maybe, sometime in the future I would be interested in bringing one home from Turkey. I know that several people in Denmark own this breed. Though I have heard that it is illigal to import the Kangal from Turkey to Denmark - Possibly because it is a national and rare breed of dog, but I am not sure - Is it true - If so, why? [/blockquote] since about 3 years it is forbidden to import dogs from third countries in the EU.The conditions are that the dog is at least 7 months old , microchipped, and have his titer tests. Unfortunatly many turks tried to smuggle puppies to Germany and quite a few were caught at the border. The puppies were immediatly confiscated and set in quarantaine for 4 months, €15.- a day. Plus the high fees for not following the health and deseases laws. France and Holland are also very strickt, because these countries have been declarated rabies free and do not want to loose this status..
                                        • [quote=corso_pride]onur.. it was my brother who was in turkey and took the puppy, so there was only one passport. [/quote] it is not legal to take a Kangal out of Turkey, but also not difficult.I think it is quite a useless and meaningless law. I know that to take a puppy [u]legally[/u] from Turkey into Sweden is actually impossible without a long and expensive quarantaine. How did your brother managed that?
                                          • Maybe it is on time to reply in my own thread.. :wink: Thanks everyone for the explanations! It is unfortunate that you are not allowed to export them out of Turkey - They are such nice dogs. Does anyone know if there is a possibillity that this ban will be nullified in near future? Susen, lately I have unfortunately seen a few dogs imported from Turkey that the owners say are pure bred Kangals (Go look at these dogs on HundeGalleri.dk) - these dogs have super light colored coats with big white markings. Look at Yaman and Pacha owned by Zafer and Önder. Check their comments on these "pure" bred Kangal dogs and you will find that these two guys say EXACTLY the same as Onur Kanli! Both of these guys have true to type Kangals. These imported dogs with light colored coats and white markings do not look ANYTHING like the Kangals of for example Mr. Kanli - these dogs look totally different from the "pure" breds in both build and color as well as Kanli's dogs have black masks (which is the characteristic for the Kangal - again something I have learned from Kangal people). Onur has many Kangals and does a great job for the breed - and.... he is Turkish, so. If I was you, I would believe his word when he tells you that you cannot take them out of Turkey legally. But that is just me............ Personally I believe that your dog is just a random mix - Nice dogs, but not the real type (at least from what I have learned from the Kangal people). For some it is their most precious job to preserve the Kangal breed - For others it is not. So just because it has been picked up in Turkey at a farmer does not make a dog a pure bred Kangal.
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                                              • How does one get a pure bred kangal? This is one of the best looking dogs I have ever seen I would love to get one. I have dealt with rottweilers, German Shepard's in past. I'm sure there must be some breeders not in turkey.
                                                • [quote=oktug]Charlotte you are right that for some preserving the breed is the most precious job and for others it simply is not. Sorry to admitt it but its true. I am also curious about the Kangal People that you learned a lot. Are they in Turkey or outside?[/quote] The people I have get my information from are both inside and outside Turkey - though all of them are Turkish. Talking to these people and looking around the internet comparing different breeders with the information I have gives me the impression that some breeders take their breed very serious while others do not seem to care and just breed whatever buyers want to pay money for. [quote=shizen]How does one get a pure bred kangal? This is one of the best looking dogs I have ever seen I would love to get one. I have dealt with rottweilers, German Shepard's in past. I'm sure there must be some breeders not in turkey.[/quote] Personally I am very confused when it comes to purity. Which dogs are pure, which are not and which are just out of standard dogs? I guess it all comes down to finding a breeder that you feel you can have your trust in. There are breeders in Germany and Holland and most certainly in other European countries as well.
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                                                    • [quote=oktug"][quote="Charlotte] Talking to these people and looking around the internet comparing different breeders with the information I have gives me the impression that some breeders take their breed very serious while others do not seem to care and just breed whatever buyers want to pay money for.[/quote] I am also a breeder but I do not sell any dogs. That's why I asked. What do you think about people like me for example? Where are we on this chart of yours? Do you think that we take it serious or just the opposite?[/quote] I do not know you nor your goals within the breed. As so many other people looking for a serious breeder I base my judgement on my personal experience with the different breeders and what I have heard from others - based on these facts I make my choice.
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                                                        • [quote=oktug]That's the mistake that most foreigners do. If you don't know me and people like me it's guaranteed that you will end up with an Anatolian Shepherd instead of a Kangal (.....)[/quote] To me it sounds like you think you are better than most and that attitude is not something I personally like to see. What makes you say that? What are your intentions within the breed? I am interested in what way you can tell a Kangal from an ASD unless of course the difference is huge. I am sure you cannot tell if a Kangal dog t some point in time has been mixed with other breeds unless the dog is out of standard....... but even out of standard dogs can be pure due to things like WHAT kind of dogs the Kangal originate from! So.... what exactly makes you think that I would not end up with an ASD or Kangal mix if buying from people like you? All dogs have a background and even if your best friend bought a nice Kangal, you could not be sure whether the dog is pure or not. Your remark about foregin people making mistakes to me sounds like TOTAL nonsence. It has nothing to do with being foregin or not. The Kangal is not the only breed that suffers from this particular situation with being mixed with other breeds..... It happens everywhere all the time - and I bet that most people choose their breeders based on THEIR experience and what they have been told by trustworthy people - afterall you kinda know who to trust and who not to trust. And remember that all these people say just the same as you! That they are all serious breeders.
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                                                            • [quote=oktug]Again a mistake thinking that Kangal has originated from other dogs. Kangal is not originated from any other breed, its one of the very few pure breeds in the world that we have in this land for centuries. But I understand you; most probably you think that Kangal was originated from other breeds because the people that you say you got your information from, both inside and outside Turkey. They must have originated their Kangals from other dogs so you also think the same.[/quote] All dogs originate from the wolf, so... :wink: Besides - how do you know? That is interesting....... :idea:
                                                              • [quote=Charlotte"][quote="oktug]Again a mistake thinking that Kangal has originated from other dogs. Kangal is not originated from any other breed, its one of the very few pure breeds in the world that we have in this land for centuries. But I understand you; most probably you think that Kangal was originated from other breeds because the people that you say you got your information from, both inside and outside Turkey. They must have originated their Kangals from other dogs so you also think the same.[/quote] All dogs originate from the wolf, so... :wink: Besides - how do you know? That is interesting....... :idea:[/quote] charlotte you are funny)) :lol:
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                                                                  • I seen what was explained to me to be Kangals in Kurdizstan with goat herds, would thay have been pure bred Kangals or not, if not in Turkey :?: , these were very impressive dogs. :D
                                                                    • [quote=Montana]sensei is basinda :lol: :lol: good post.[/quote] yaw taaaa gecmısten baslasak,neler yazarızda işte bakma,yazmıom kımseye. :wink:
                                                                      • [quote=faughs]I seen what was explained to me to be Kangals in Kurdizstan with goat herds, would thay have been pure bred Kangals or not, if not in Turkey :?: , these were very impressive dogs. :D[/quote] kurdistan is not a country and has no culture nor dogs, nor people yes kangals ıs pure breed. 8)
                                                                        • [quote=akin"][quote="Montana]sensei is basinda :lol: :lol: good post.[/quote] yaw taaaa gecmısten baslasak,neler yazarızda işte bakma,yazmıom kımseye. :wink:[/quote] Do you mind translating?
                                                                          • [quote=Charlotte"][quote="akin"][quote="Montana]sensei is basinda :lol: :lol: good post.[/quote] yaw taaaa gecmısten baslasak,neler yazarızda işte bakma,yazmıom kımseye. :wink:[/quote] Do you mind translating?[/quote] dear charlotte, thıs ıs joke for montana,not for you)) sory for turkısh. :wink:
                                                                            • opps, wont get into this one as i dont intend to offend anyone as this is a forum about dogs, the dogs where seen in Northern iraq close to border with Turkey. But as you explained in another post to me there are a number of shepard breeds in turkey
                                                                              • north ırag,dont have these type dogs. they are turkısh shepherd dogs my frıend. :wink:
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                                                                                  • [quote=faughs]….the dogs where seen in Northern iraq close to border with Turkey. But as you explained in another post to me there are a number of shepard breeds in turkey[/quote] Of course it is possible that Kangal dogs have been seen in northern Iraq near the Turkish border – dogs do not know borders and shepherds move too and bring their dogs. Though there many other life stock guardian type of dogs that look like the Kangal – these differ both in type and names depending on what region they are from. You are able to read the different profiles and check out the galleries here on Molosser Dogs. Oktug, I am just interested in knowing what you have to say in regard to that the Kangal does not originate from other dog breeds – how do you know? What should it originate from? Directly from the wolf?
                                                                                    • yes charlotte, i worked with media group and was able to talk to these sheperds first hand through translator, their family's have been working this region years, if their teretory crosses borders it doesent matter to them they get on with there work and follow there flocks, i understand that they could have been another breed, but as i was told kangal and they had black masks who am i to argue. apart from that fascinating dogs.
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                                                                                        • ummmm probably not :cry:
                                                                                            • [quote=faughs]yes charlotte, i worked with media group and was able to talk to these sheperds first hand through translator, their family's have been working this region years, if their teretory crosses borders it doesent matter to them they get on with there work and follow there flocks, i understand that they could have been another breed, but as i was told kangal and they had black masks who am i to argue. apart from that fascinating dogs.[/quote] Dear Faughs, I saw a documantery from Iran. It was about Shepherds who made a loung journey with their flock and dogs. The Working Shepherd dogs i saw looked around 30 kilo with longer hair then the Turkish Shepherd dogs kangals. It's possible to see a few of them wo could have a type of the kangal..But till know im not convince also in numbers it will not be the same as the kangal. In some citys in Turkiye you can see streetdogs who has black masks weighting 25 kilos.. From Iran. From Irak - the dog here has more the mouth of a Fox
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                                                                                                • bızde ne derler?? baba buyuksun))thanks for message mr sonmezer )) sımdı urfa ıle konustum,ıraktan 2 ay evvel cekılmıs en ıyı kurtcu ıtlerın resımlerını ıstedım.varmıs resım,atıcaklar.koyacam,aradakı farkı gorsunler .senın resımler gercı ısı bıtırmıs )) tebrıkler
                                                                                                  • [quote=Sonmezer] In some citys in Turkiye you can see streetdogs who has black masks weighting 25 kilos.. [/quote] I have interest in a male like you describe weighing around 35kg. Are they easy to find?
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                                                                                                      • [quote=annihilus"][quote="Sonmezer] In some citys in Turkiye you can see streetdogs who has black masks weighting 25 kilos.. [/quote] I have interest in a male like you describe weighing around 35kg. Are they easy to find?[/quote] yess of course you can find them, for free if you can catch them in the streets, not only in Turkiye. You got them also in the streets of Bulgary, Romania. Maby in the streets of San Fransisco? i will ask it to inspector Steve Keller :)
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