In my short but intensive experience with Presas I´ve learn to look for everywhere. If I had to recommend a breeder I would go with Perros de Presa Becerril PPB. Carlos, the oner of that kennel only selects and breeds for work and performance. He lives in Madrid, and you can contact him through Facebook. Good luck any way.
- · ZinaPresaCanario
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Hello My name is Guy Howard & I'm a new member to this site; so please allow me a moment to introduce myself. First off I love molosser breeds and my favorite is the Perro de Presa Canario. I had a Presa named Zina for 13yrs. She was the best dog I've ever owned. Intelligent, obedient, fearless, protective & loving. She wanted to do nothing but please me & love & protect my family. She was quite large for a female at 147 lbs, but that did not interfere with her abilities. She was very agile, quick & unbelievably strong. She could catch a rabbit in an open field. I could go on for hours talking about her & the breed but I'll leave that for latter discussions. Unfortunately she got arthritis really bad in her spine & three of her vertebrae fused together in her hip & she had trouble getting up & down for her last year. Towards the end there were nerves being pinched & she started to loose control of her bowels & bladder which caused her to get continuous urinary track infections. The vet said that some of her organs were getting infections. Needless to say I finally had to have her put down & that was one of the hardest things I've ever done. She was a huge part of the family & i felt like I was putting down one of my kids. I miss her very much.
It was 2 yrs ago that I had to put Zina down & now I'm ready for another Presa Canario. I've started looking. I would like to have a male but would not pass up a good female. I do not want to show or breed the dog. Which ever gender I choose I plan to have fixed. I want a good working & family dog. My intentions are to do allot of obedience work then protection training. I'm not one of those people who buy a dog like this throw it in the backyard & tell everyone "look at this big mean looking dog that I've got". My dogs are members of the family, they live in the house, they go out to play. I put allot of time & energy into training my dog. Every day is an opportunity to reenforce the training & rule so that he/she knows their place in the pack. My dog is loved, groomed, bathed, fed & well taken care of. Like I said they are a member of the family.
I am actively looking for a Presa. I don't need a show quality dog but I do expect correct conformation "they must fit the standard such as having a sloping top line were the rear is slightly higher than the shoulders" & I expect correct temperament. If anyone on this forum knows of or has pups I'd be interested in hearing from you. I live in Missouri but shipping is not out of the question. Thank you for your time & please let me know of any available pups preferably males.
Sorry to hear about your lost. But it was awesome that you had such a great dog and great breed. If you are looking to get another presa you can check out our website. We might be able to help you in the future. We are in Mo. We love our Presas too.
- · ZinaPresaCanario
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Thanks for the kind words & for the invite. I'll be sure to check you all out. Have a good weekend.
- · Hugo
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In my short but intensive experience with Presas I´ve learn to look for everywhere. If I had to recommend a breeder I would go with Perros de Presa Becerril PPB. Carlos, the oner of that kennel only selects and breeds for work and performance. He lives in Madrid, and you can contact him through Facebook. Good luck any way.
- · ZinaPresaCanario
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Thanks for this tip HUG. I'm pretty sure I've heard of them but I'll check to see. I'm really looking for a dog in the States hopefully something close to home. Thanks & have a good evening.