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Introduction Topic

 Hi Mark,

I will take them one at a time.  So regarding an intro topic - on the other format for the site we did have an introductions forum because the old site did not have any social networking features.  Since this system we are now using has a place for profile information and headline plus much more (like facebook) I don't think it necessary to have an intro topic at the moment.

It'd be nice to have a an "Introduction" topic.  Perhaps, rename "Info Seekers" to "Newbies" while renaming the "Newbies Only" to "Info Seekers" so it'd look such:

 So - if you edit your profile and put some intro text there - we would all know whats up.

Replies (7)
    • It'd be nice to have a an "Introduction" topic.  Perhaps, rename "Info Seekers" to "Newbies" while renaming the "Newbies Only" to "Info Seekers" so it'd look such:


      - Info Seekers  (all threads existing are under here)

      - Introduction

      Until then, perhaps users will use this thread to introduce themselves and respond to those both new & old here.  Maybe even including a picture of their favorite Molosser.

      • Greetings & Salutations!!!

        Thanks to everyone for contributing to this website while making a place for those captivated by the Molosser canines.

        I've resisted visiting sites dedicated to these breeds for a few years.  It seemed only yesterday I lost Athena, a Neapolitan Mastiff, who deserved more time on this Earth.  l can never replace her, though perhaps I may find a companion worthy of her memory who'll give me a chance to earn the dedication of a Molosser canine.

        Its hard to explain losing the partner a Molosser can be.

        •  Hi Mark,

          I will take them one at a time.  So regarding an intro topic - on the other format for the site we did have an introductions forum because the old site did not have any social networking features.  Since this system we are now using has a place for profile information and headline plus much more (like facebook) I don't think it necessary to have an intro topic at the moment.

          It'd be nice to have a an "Introduction" topic.  Perhaps, rename "Info Seekers" to "Newbies" while renaming the "Newbies Only" to "Info Seekers" so it'd look such:

           So - if you edit your profile and put some intro text there - we would all know whats up.


            I've resisted visiting sites dedicated to these breeds for a few years.  It seemed only yesterday I lost Athena, a Neapolitan Mastiff, who deserved more time on this Earth

             Well I am glad  you finally decided to visit one of the molosser sites (you are now a member of the best one by the way) in your search for another canine companion. We recently had to put our 15 years old Caucasian Ovcharka to rest.  He was the first CO I ever owned and thought us a lot.  I do know exactly what you must have gone through with the loss of Athena.

            How old was Athena when you said goodbye and what was the cause of her demise.  I am a big fan of the Neapolitan Mastiff and am always on the hunt for information about their health and longevity. Perhaps you have seen http://mastinimayhem.com which is owned by a friend of mine.

            Anyhow - thanks for your service in the USMC and welcome to our humble site.


            • Welcome to this forum Mark.

              • Yes welcome!!!

                I am a fellow Neo' lover too....

                Also it's www.mastinimayhem.com <-------Close Gary!~Thanks 

                • Thanks Jess - I fixed it.  My keyboard can't spell very well.

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