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Knee tear

Nick - Keep the pup calm & contained(Crate) and gewt it to a Vet. The 1st order of business is an evaulation. It could be anything from a bad sprain to a tear. My Rottweiler did something in her kennel run one day (probably upset at the UPS driver) she was limping when I got home. We weree lucky the Vet felt it was a very slight tear if any at all. This is a dog that runs 5 mi with me on my Mtn Bike. For rehab the 1st 2 week I keep her crated if she wasn't on lead. No walking or play. Then the rest of the 1st month loose in the house no kennel time. 2nd month we started progressively increasing our walks. The 3rd month we strated to swim again. I had to wait as she gets to fired up at the beach. I didn't want to let her reinjure herself BEFORE we even got in the lake. Then in the 3rd month we got back to the bike. I was real happy with our results. I have a friend that her Rotty tore it's ACL...it had two operations and never treally got better. She refused to take her time rehabing(reason for 2nd surgery). It's not easy keeping an active adult dog calm for 90 days....It will be harder with a pup. I do feel in the long run you'll be happy if you force the pup to take it slow. Best of luck
Replies (12)
    • Right cranial cruciate tear on my pup Rocco...chasing a rabbit hit some patch ice slid fell down got up and resumed chase. 1 1/2 hour latter in house got up from a nap and yelped and limped. Any ideas on recovery time ( I am assuming surgery is only option)..am I right to think this could happen to any healthy dog..even one only 8 months old?
      • Young dogs can have knee injuries my last Rotty did it at about the same age launching herself off some stairs surgery is probably your only option otherwise they will limp after some exercise and may never heal on it's own the vet can usually tell right away.
        • Nick - Keep the pup calm & contained(Crate) and gewt it to a Vet. The 1st order of business is an evaulation. It could be anything from a bad sprain to a tear. My Rottweiler did something in her kennel run one day (probably upset at the UPS driver) she was limping when I got home. We weree lucky the Vet felt it was a very slight tear if any at all. This is a dog that runs 5 mi with me on my Mtn Bike. For rehab the 1st 2 week I keep her crated if she wasn't on lead. No walking or play. Then the rest of the 1st month loose in the house no kennel time. 2nd month we started progressively increasing our walks. The 3rd month we strated to swim again. I had to wait as she gets to fired up at the beach. I didn't want to let her reinjure herself BEFORE we even got in the lake. Then in the 3rd month we got back to the bike. I was real happy with our results. I have a friend that her Rotty tore it's ACL...it had two operations and never treally got better. She refused to take her time rehabing(reason for 2nd surgery). It's not easy keeping an active adult dog calm for 90 days....It will be harder with a pup. I do feel in the long run you'll be happy if you force the pup to take it slow. Best of luck
          • Frank, I took him to 2 vet's ( I want 2 doc's to look at me too), both said a pretty good size tear, I got some pain medcine from vet and he's chilling taking good care of himself..in fact that worried me quite a bit he was listless and off his feed, but blood work showed no lyme or anything out of whack besides knee, vet told me sometimes they get that way sometime when a dog has a high tolerence for pain and they deal with pain by sleeping and resting. I am gonna try and get hin to University of Penn for final look see and probably surgery, I am torn between there famous doc's and the doctor both vets so far have suggested.
            • Surgery is the only recourse. DO NOT get get roped into the TPLO. A TPLO will cost between $4 to 5K, a traditional will run $500-$1500.00 The recovery time is long and slow. Be patient because it could take up to two years.
              • See if the Unv. might do the procedure, the cost will be very reasonable. My own Vet is a surgeon. He tells me that within a week many times thedogs will start to act & look normal.....But, THEY ARE NOT. He tells me dog owners get tricked into a false sence of security. Temple Zion is correct if it is that bad rehab time will increase.
                • Time is the enemy, you have to get this done as soon as possible. Rehad is very important, be prepared to do hydrotherapy.
                  • My Tosas have had their fair share of tumbles, and have had a limp here and there. I watch them over the space of a week, to see if it's getting worse. Luckily I've never had to take either of them to a vet as they've gotten better within the week. Definately keep him as still as possible, short leash walks only, until you know more what's going on. if you're lucky he'll improve...
                    • If a tear has been diagnosed than the dog must have surgery right away.
                      • Without you Vet doing a "known as the “drawer test" on the knee joint you just can not tell the extent of the injury. Dog breeds with high pain threshoild and MAY NOT show the level of pain that should be associated with this injury. Further, gaiting the injured dog will increaee the damage. What might have healed may now require surgery if one takes a wait & see approach.
                        • I cannot get him in until next thursday,All vets say he is listless because he's hurting :( My son and I are Iceing him and he's only on leash and he's sleeping a ton, I was quoted between 1150.00 and 1450.00 which will include xrays of his hips as I want to make sure he did no damage there, Frank they did Drawer test, and damage was evident. TempleZion..DO NOT get get roped into the TPLO. Not one doc said anything that sounded like that what does TPLO stand for? Both surgeons observed him and they do not think he's hurting it any worse as he seems to be very cautious...no BS he actually fell asleep waiting for 1 vet..and I cancelled any vistors to my house this weekend
                          • Wow a whole week from now? Umm, I do not like that at all. One thing to do when your dog has to go to the bathroom make sure you get a towel underneath him and support him with it, you do not want any weight on that leg at all. Is the surgeon board certified? The TPLO is a new form of surgery that is very invasive. In envolves the rebreaking of the bone and the fusion of boanes together instead of just making a new ligament from his theigh muscle and holding everything in place with a small but strong kevlar band as is the traditional surgery.
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